Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Forget about the Presidential race.

Forget about the Presidential race for now. My God it's almost 2 yeas away. Who cares who is ahead in the polls now. These polls are nothing but fodder for a slow news day. Hillary supporters would like you to believe that she is ahead and picking up momentum.

News Flash, Hillary will not be our next President. Anyone who thinks otherwise is out of touch with reality.

Who would I vote for President?

You will find your answer here, http://www.gohunter08.com/.

Check him out, I think he is just what this country needs and is someone you would also support.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

If you would have only listened to me on 9/21/04

Mr. President,

If only you would have paid attention to my open letter to you dated 9/21/04. This country would be much better off, the Republican party would be much better off and your popularity would be at all time highs instead of all time lows. See reprint below:

Open letter to President Bush

Dear President Bush:

You’ve probably noticed that I have not sent you or the Republican party any money since you were elected. My reason is simple, you no longer represent what I believe. You and your willing accomplices in Congress have been spending tax payer money like a bunch of drunken Democrats. I know there is a war going on and you and the fine U.S. soldiers are doing a very good job, but that does not give you an excuse to spend money excessively in all other areas of the federal government. You came to Washington with the hopes of healing the political riffs there. You O.K’d the spending of money to appease the left. Well it did not work, they turned on you anyway, they always do, just ask your father. So Mr. President if you want my support here are some things I want you to consider:
1.) Stop spending so Damn much money! This country will get along just fine without all of this government bling-bling. Spend as much as you need on the military and for disaster relieve. Everything else can go in the toilet, it’s not the national governments place to spend money on anything different.
2.) Want to reform education? Stop spending federal money on it! You got Teddy Kennedy to write the Education reform spending package, gave it your O.K. and guess what? Teddy Kennedy is screaming to the press that you did not do enough for Education during your campaign for re-election (of course no one in the press took the time to mention his hand in the latest Education bill). Break up the Teacher’s Union, stop tenure for college professors, allow parent’s choice when it comes to education, allow all political voices to be heard on college campuses, and don’t allow drivers licenses until children get a high school diploma (talk about incentive).
3.) Term Limits. We need Term Limits for all members of the Federal Government specifically the House, the Senate and all Federally appointed Judges. http://www.termlimits.org/. You would have been able to get more done if there were fewer career politicians (ex. Tom Daschle) standing in your way. Also, the will of the people would no longer be thwarted by the rulings of liberal Federal (lifetime appointed) Judges.
4.) Bring back the Contract with America and GET FINISHED WHAT WASN’T DONE! If you’ve forgotten, here it is: FIRST, require all laws that apply to the rest of the country also apply equally to the Congress; SECOND, select a major, independent auditing firm to conduct a comprehensive audit of Congress for waste, fraud or abuse; THIRD, cut the number of House committees, and cut committee staff by one-third; FOURTH, limit the terms of all committee chairs; FIFTH, ban the casting of proxy votes in committee; SIXTH, require committee meetings to be open to the public; SEVENTH, require a three-fifths majority vote to pass a tax increase; EIGHTH, guarantee an honest accounting of our Federal Budget by implementing zero base-line budgeting.
5.) Stop pussy-footing around in Iraq. Your approval ratings for Iraq aren’t down because we don’t believe in why we are there, it’s because you’re fighting the war like a tofu-farting sissy. If they are killing our boys while hunkered down in “sacred holy sites” blow ‘em to Hell and back. Those “holy sites” stopped being holy once they were being used to kill our brave troops.
6.) The next time you have a press conference talk to the people who care and understand what you are talking about. Stop answering questions from “reporters” from the New York Times or Los Angles Times or ABC, CBS, NBC,and CNN. Invite Talk radio hosts and bloggers. More people read and listen to these media than do those other “old Media” sources.
7.) Get the hell out of the U.N. It is corrupt, no longer serves its purpose and it serves no one but itself. Get the U.S. out the the U.N. http://www.getusout.org/
8.) Keep standing up for the rights of the unborn. You’ve done O.K. on this front so far. I wish you would have fought harder to get conservative judges appointed though. Grow some testicles and start fighting hard for the rights of the unborn. Yes, the Main Stream Media will beat you up over this, but their influence is a lot less than you think or fear and they are going to beat you up no matter what you do. Which leads me to my next point-
9.) Stop trying to get the left and the Main Stream Media to like you. You’ve shown you can do it on the war in Iraq, now do it in all things you hold dear, such as stopping abortion.
10.) Close the Borders! Deport all illegal immigrants now. Empty Federal prisons of all illegal immigrants and send them back to where they came (put a microchip in their arse first, in case they try to come back). Stop pandering to ILLEGALS!!! They are not our (taxpayer) problem. 11.) Disallow all Federal money to ILLEGAL immigrants. You want to lower hospital costs, stop expecting hospitals to pay for the medical care of illegal immigrants (the cost is just passed on to all others anyway), no welfare, Medicare, or any Federal Tax Payer money should be spent on those who are here illegally.
12.) Tort Reform. This country’s government was supposed to be of the people, by the people and for the people. Instead it has become the government of the lawyers, by the lawyers and for the lawyers. (That line is so good I should have it copyrighted) .
13.) Allow God back into Government. You stood by while those ACLU heathens took away our very foundation to all of our laws, the Ten Commandments, from the Alabama Supreme Court rotunda and you watched as a good and decent man of God, Judge Roy Moore, was suspended. Refer to #8, i.e. grow some testicles.
14.) Get rid of the IRS. Eliminate it. Replace the income with a national sales tax. 10% is good enough for the Church, it should be good enough for the federal government. If it can’t live on it too bad, eliminate most of it and it won’t be so costly.
15.) Eliminate Affirmative Action. It is nothing but Government Sponsored Discrimination. White people of my age have had a whole lifetime of discrimination against us. We are mad as hell about it and we are about to come out swinging and shooting if something isn’t done real soon.
16.) Stop giving taxpayer money to National Public Radio, they only tell one side of the picture, the liberal side.
17.) Give me, well all conservatives, a cable channel. Kids have several channels, Liberals have a whole lot of channels, Golfers have their own channel, Cooks have a channel, music lovers have many channels, sports have many channels, the NFL has their own channel. I could go on and on. I want a conservative channel where we don’t have to listen to a Michael Moore loving, tree hugging, vegan-farting lib screaming over the voice of the conservative. Just one channel where we could watch the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingram, Hugh Hewitt, Ben Shapario, Michelle Malkin, Sean Hannity, Michael Medved and Michael Savage. We could do shows about things we care about, family, life, God and Country. We could have bloggers getting national face time doing nothing but reading their blogs over the airwaves - which would be much better than anything on television now.
Now don't get me wrong, you have done some things right and you are good, decent, God-fearing man like myself. You've also done a very good job on the war on Terror. I'm still gonna vote for you. That other guy scares the hell out of me and he would be much worse for this great country.


Robert Dillon

Friday, January 05, 2007