Thursday, November 25, 2004
My little girl has made me proud !
Friends and family gathered in our home on November 13, 2004 to give Stephanie a good send off. What follows are some photo's from that weekend.
We pray that she stays out of harm's way, learns as much as possible, and hope she gets to see a little bit of the world.
We are (especially her father) proud of her.
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Some photos
Monday, November 15, 2004
Blogspot question
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Kerry support and random thoughts
I have had my fill of the whining from the left. It’s good to hear some sense starting to come out of left field.
Have you also noticed that the stock market was trending sharply down in the couple of months before the election and now is skyrocketing up. Much like the price of gasoline at the pump was going up before the election and now that the election is over the price of gas is going down. I have to wonder if some evil conspiracy was going on before the election. If Kerry was voted president these two items (gas prices falling and the stock market rising) would be trumpeted by the MSM as something wonderful to behold. Can you imagine the headlines “Gas prices drop because a Republican was not re-elected” or “The Stock Market is reacting positively to a Democrat being elected.” Then they would trot out some “expert” who would state “the economy has immediately turned around because a Clinton-like Democrat was elected.” Instead this good economic news is ignored by the MSM just as it was before the election.
George W is setting the tone for the next four years by doing this, which I strongly support, and this, again I support, and finally this. Go W.
But just as a start feeling really good about George W. being our president he does something stupid.
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
RINO Power Grab alert!
George W. and his sidekick Carl Rove made a bad mistake when they backed Arlen Specter during the past primary election. I said it when it happened and I am reminding you all again. George W. should have backed the Conservative Anti-Abortion Pat Toomey in the Pennsylvania primary. Instead he chose Arlen Specter, the biggest RINO this party has ever known, with the hopes that George could pick up Pennsylvania during the Presidential election.
Arlen Specter barely won the primary and then went on to barely win back his Senate seat in Pennsylvania. George W. did not win Pennsylvania in the election.
Why all this background you ask?
Well guess who is in line to be the next Senate Judiciary Committee Chairperson? That’s right Arlen Specter.
“So what?” you ask. Remember Robert Bork and the Circus act that surrounded his nomination to the Supreme Court? Guess who is the turncoat Republican that voted against Mr. Bork?
Remember the Clinton impeachment? Guess which Republican stood with Slick Willie?
That’s right Arlen Specter.
Mr. Specter has learned that the fastest way for a Republican to get on TV is by agreeing with a Democrat or disagreeing a Republican (a trick our Senator John McCain has perfected).
If he is to get this Chair, you won’t be able to watch TV without seeing his ugly mug on every pseudo-news program. He’ll get more airtime than a “Friends” rerun. He’ll be able to start his own TV show, if joins forces with John McCain (the media’s darling Republican) they could get their own TV network; RINO TV.
I don’t trust that phony, Republican in name only, two-faced political coward Arlen Specter on anything; how am I supposed to accept his nomination? Carl Rove is not as smart as many would like to believe. If he is behind this then he is even dumber than I give him credit (see post “My hat’s off to the other side”). If George W. is behind this then he may be as dumb as the other side has tried to make us believe.
Hugh Hewitt, someone who I trust and admire, is all for Arlen Specter. Sorry Hugh you are wrong on this one. Your arguments only hold water if we can trust Arlen Specter and we cannot and do not. This is going to bite George W., Conservatives and the Republican Party in the arse before all this plays out. We have a golden opportunity to turn things around in one whole branch of government. A branch of government I remind you that has largely undermined the will of the people for too long.
Arlen Specter is not to be trusted with this responsibility.
Stop Specter.
Arlen Specter warned President Bush against appointing pro-lifers to the Supreme Court. Arlen Specter supports taxpayer funded abortion.
Arlen Specter voted to endorse Roe v. Wade. Arlen Specter opposes the Federal Marriage Amendment. Arlen Specter opposes the death penalty for Saddam Hussein. Arlen Specter voted for campaign finance legislation that limited First Amendment rights.
The biggest reason to stop him.
Thanks to for the following contact information to the Senate Judiciary Committee Members. Let your voices be heard.
Bill Frist, 202-224-3344, 615-352-9411
Rick Santorum, 202-224-6324, 412-562-0533
Orrin Hatch, 202-224-5251, 801-524-4380
Chuck Grassley, 202-224-3744, 515-284-4890
Jon Kyl, 202-224-4521, 602-840-1891
Mike Dewine, 202-224-2315, 614-469-5186
Jeff Sessions, 202-224-4124, 334-244-7017
Lindsey Graham, 202-224-5972, 864-250-1417
Larry Craig, 202-224-2752, 208-342-7985
Saxby Chambliss, 202-224-3521, 770-763-9090
John Cornyn, 202-224-2934, 512-469-6034
One more thing to do: PRAY.
Friday, November 05, 2004
Thursday, November 04, 2004
My hat's off to the other side
How could anyone vote for a man to be commander-in-chief when he acted as a traitor to this country and our military just a short time ago? How could anyone vote for someone who lied over and over again about his military record after his lies were documented over and over again? How could anyone vote for someone who is obviously hiding something about his military career and demonstrated so by not signing a Form 180 to release his military records? How could anyone vote for our national leader whose wife is obviously a nut job? Do we want her to be our First Lady? I still don't know what John Kerry stood for; all I know is what he is against.
I know some of his popularity has to with all the support he received from Hollywood; much can be contributed from the support he received from the MSM and their unwillingness to probe into his Senate voting record or his military record. I am sure he got some votes from all the money spent by George Soros and others like him on false advertisements and the lies they spread. I know many votes came because of a disingenuous filmmaker spread propaganda that was proven over and over again to be full of falsehoods, lies and deceit and yet there were enough dumbshits who bought into his garbage and voted against George W.
We have President in the middle of a war that has done a good job in the fight on terrorism. The economy is good and is getting better. Bush should have won by a landslide. Is Karl Rove this reason we did so badly? I believe the Democrats did a much better job in getting their man elected. They took the most liberal Senator this nation has, a documentated traitor, a confirmed liar,a man who stands for nothing and takes both sides of any issue, an empty suit, a plastic banana phoney and ran him against a sitting president during a war, during a very good economy, an honest, dedicated, truthful man of God and they ALMOST MADE JOHN KERRY PRESIDENT. My hat is off to them.
I am sure the reasons for the closeness of this election can to attributed to many things probably a combination of all of the above. Thank God its over.
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Four More Years
Four More Years.
The Good – Four More Years of a good fight against terrorism. Four More Years of crime rates, drug use rates and abortion numbers dropping. Four More Years of lower taxes and an expanding economy. Four More Years of Laura Bush’s steadying hand. Four More Years to assign some conservative Federal Judges without the obstruction of Tom Daschle. Four More Years to educate the American public on what John Kerry really did during the Vietnam war. Four More Years of Iraq being on the road to govern itself. Four More Years of Afghanistan governing itself democratically. Four More Years of Bloggers growing in numbers and strength. Four More Years of the declining viewership of all the Major Networks news programs except Fox News. Four More Years and our family will add another conservative to the voting block.
The Bad – Four More Years of MSM bias, deceit and lies. Four More Years of RINO John McCain everywhere on TV and Radio trying to be “The Man Of The Middle”. Four More Years of conservatives being shut out of a Television station they can call their own. Four More Years of conservatives and Christians being made fun of on television and movies. Four More Years the Euro-Pansies thumbing their noses at us. Four more years of a porous U.S. border resulting in a very probable terrorist attack. Four More Years of Bill Maher and Al Franken, enough said.
The Ugly – Four More Years of Michael Moore, CBS News, Jimmy Carter, George Soros, Al Gore and their comrades slinging their lies, half truths and slander at us. Four More Years of the fat-ankled socialist Hillary sticking her ugly mug in front of every possible television camera and trying to convince us once again that we need National Health Care. Four More Years of the MSM fawning over the fat-ankled socialist. Four more years of trashy television. Four More Years that John Kerry will not release his Form 180 and no one in the MSM will ask him why he never did and will never investigate what he was hiding.
The Good still beats the Bad and still beats the Ugly and will again in Four More Years.
Best quote
“The New York Times and CBS News and the entire mainstream media tried their best to bring down George W. Bush, and only succeeded in bringing down themselves.”
My random thoughts on the election.
-It's not official at the time of this writing but it looks like it's over. The media is keeping the election alive much like a badly written reality TV show (aren't they all) and we've got a bunch of "fake" drama going on right now. Once the defeated traitor-in-chief figures out that not even his 100,000 lawyers can help - Kerry should concede.
-Katie Couric is wearing black this morning, how appropriate.
-I, like a lot of people, flipped around the stations last night watching the returns. It was funny how CNN and CBS had the race closer all night than it really was.
-Cokie Roberts said something intelligent last night (liberals do have their moments) when she said something like "It's not the war in Iraq, it's not the economy, it is the moral vote that won in this election.' I assumed she meant that all gay marriage propositions failing. Maybe she meant that the "Moral Majority" got off their behind and voted (unlike the other side we didn't need a pied piper like Bruce Springsteen skipping along and leading us to the polls). Peter Jennings cut her off before she could elaborate so we will never know exactly what she meant. But the Moral Vote in this election did win in this election. After the smoke clears today I am sure we will be hearing more about it.
-Now ABC, if you figure it out, you could get all your ratings up. Stop trying to cram the acceptance of homosexuality down the throats of the American public. Stop calling it "a right to choose" and call it what it is "abortion." Combine that with telling the truth on your news programs and you will get all the business. Viewers will flock to your network more than anything the HOLLYWOOD LEFT has been able to do. But you won't. It's just wishful thinking on my part.
-Tom Daschle lost. He actually lost 4 years ago but this year he could not and did not get away with vote fraud. He will not be missed.
-Proposition 200 here in Arizona passed. If you are not familiar with it, it prohibits taxpayer support to non-citizens. No food stamps, welfare, etc without proof of citizenship and any government worker who grants taxpayer assistance to non citizens is subject to fines and jail time.
-Our RINO senator John McCain was all over the TV last night and was asked about proposition 200 said that he was afraid that it may lead to non citizens not being able to use public libraries or to hike and camp on federal or state lands. BULLSHIT. He is on the wrong side of this and has been all along. How he keeps getting re-elected here is beyond me. (I voted against him). Look for other States to follow suit and watch for similar propositions in other states in coming elections.
-Speaking of John McCain, the press is playing him up for the next presidency. It ain't gonna happen. Not only has he been wrong about immigration for a very long time but the also is responsible for the biggest screw ups in political history (Campaign Finance Reform).
-Hey John K - why the long face? :)