Thursday, November 04, 2004

My hat's off to the other side

Yes I am happy George W. Bush won, relieved actually, and I am feeling good about my country. However, I have a sick feeling inside regarding this election. How could so many people vote for John Kerry? Are there really that many idiots in this country? Yes I've seen the "RED" county by county maps and I know he won 52 to 47 percent. Yes I know he won by almost 4 million votes and he has collected the most votes ever for a presidential election. BUT IF JUST 1 PERCENT OF THE VOTERS IN OHIO HAD VOTED DIFFERENTLY, JOHN KERRY WOULD BE OUR PRESIDENT.

How could anyone vote for a man to be commander-in-chief when he acted as a traitor to this country and our military just a short time ago? How could anyone vote for someone who lied over and over again about his military record after his lies were documented over and over again? How could anyone vote for someone who is obviously hiding something about his military career and demonstrated so by not signing a Form 180 to release his military records? How could anyone vote for our national leader whose wife is obviously a nut job? Do we want her to be our First Lady? I still don't know what John Kerry stood for; all I know is what he is against.

I know some of his popularity has to with all the support he received from Hollywood; much can be contributed from the support he received from the MSM and their unwillingness to probe into his Senate voting record or his military record. I am sure he got some votes from all the money spent by George Soros and others like him on false advertisements and the lies they spread. I know many votes came because of a disingenuous filmmaker spread propaganda that was proven over and over again to be full of falsehoods, lies and deceit and yet there were enough dumbshits who bought into his garbage and voted against George W.

We have President in the middle of a war that has done a good job in the fight on terrorism. The economy is good and is getting better. Bush should have won by a landslide. Is Karl Rove this reason we did so badly? I believe the Democrats did a much better job in getting their man elected. They took the most liberal Senator this nation has, a documentated traitor, a confirmed liar,a man who stands for nothing and takes both sides of any issue, an empty suit, a plastic banana phoney and ran him against a sitting president during a war, during a very good economy, an honest, dedicated, truthful man of God and they ALMOST MADE JOHN KERRY PRESIDENT. My hat is off to them.

I am sure the reasons for the closeness of this election can to attributed to many things probably a combination of all of the above. Thank God its over.


Randomscrub said...

Give me a break. 54 million people are not idiots. If you think you can safely say they are, you certainly may be one. We may disagree with them, but that doesn't make them stupid. Besides, calling voters dumb isn't going to win Republicans any votes.

Zelda said...

Hi there. Nice site. It's exactly the same color as mine.

These are good questions you are asking in your post. I think the main reason why so many people voted for Kerry is because of complacence. Due partly to our dumbed down education system, people take their freedoms for granted.

I also agree with you that Kerry is a traitor. But I think for most people the concepts of patriotism, treason, right and wrong have become meaningless. It's due, I think to moral relativism. After all, it's not nice to be judgemental and call people names (sarcasm intended).

Finally, I think the whole concept of the American Dream -- of coming to this country to work to the best of your abilities and making as much money as possible -- has become passe. Now it's all about how much the government can rob one group of people to give to another. Hence you have hysterical liberals going on about how bad taxcuts for "the rich" are.