Sunday, August 22, 2004

Christmas will never be the same

I got a chuckle out of this poem

Let me preface this by saying that John McCain's Vietnam story tells a lot about the man. I am proud of the way he handled himself during a very difficult time. We all are. I must also say that John McCain is my representative in the Senate. Having said that, I have over the years gotten more and more tired of his antics. He is the founding father of the RINO ( Republican in Name Only ) Party. He has made a career of getting in front of television cameras ( and on the radio airwaves ) by disagreeing with Republicans or by agreeing with Democrats. It sickens me when I see him playing these antics and trying to come off as THE MAN OF REASON OF THE MIDDLE GROUND.
God I wish he would just shut the hell up some times.
So I found it very interesting and ironically funny when he immediately criticized the ad. He is up to is old tricks again I thought and predictably the main stream media picked up his quote and used it in telling "the real story" of the Swift Boat Vets and their ad.
But let's not forget, it was Senator McCain's "campaign finance reform" legislation that led to the creation of 527's. The irony is that the Kerry Camp uses a 527 sponsored ad to dismiss the Swift boat vets and they use John McCain's criticism of the Swift Boat Vets ad in their ad. Talk about IRONY.
Wake up John, the main stream media has been using you all these years the same way the Kerry camp has been using you during this campaign. I hope that John Kerry at least gives you a kiss when he's done with you.

SOME RANDOM THOUGHTS (very Larry King-ish)
I think the end is near for John Kerry witnessed by the fact that the faces of the past have rejoined the airwaves. The public suspects Mr. Kerry is lying about his Vietnam record when he sends out the likes of James Carville, Sydney Blumenthal, Lanny Davis and Mr. Podesta to defend this Vietnam record. Too many Clinton memories of lying attached to those ugly mugs.

Speaking of James Carville, the next time he is on TV will someone ask him how can he sleep at night? My God this man has made a career of defending the indefensible.

Fox News is biased to the Right? You've got to be kidding me. They at least offer the right side of news. But they also offer the left side ( way too much for me ). I want to start a news organization that only gives the right side. In fact a want a whole cable channel that is nothing but conservative!!! It will succeed. Can you imagine shows with Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Hugh Hewitt, and Laura Ingram. Oh that's right, they all have successful talk radio programs. They brought back AM radio. Ofcourse the other outlet of the right (and taking over) are the right leaning bloggers, Matt Drudge , Michelle Malkin, and Ben Shapiro .
It would be great show if all the bloggers out there did nothing but read parts of their blogs over the television airwaves.
Ofcourse I can't forget the sharp tongue of Ann Coulter What a great show she could make.
How about a TV show by Scott Ott , now that would be funny.
I also want a show that just makes fun of the main stream media. I would take an event of the day and tell what actually happened then show how the Main Stream media actually "reported" it. Now that would be GOOD TV. This is the Reality TV Show we want to see !
Got an idea for a conservative show - send it to me!

How many times has this happened to you. You're listening to Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh or Michael Savage and they are giving an account of the day's happenings and they give us an idea on how the Main Stream media will probably report it. Then your local station breaks for the newsfeed from the ABC, NBC, CBS or CNN ( and even FOX NEWS at times) and they report the story just as your favorite Talk show host said they would. It used to make my blood boil now mostly I just laugh.

Eventually and over time this site will focus on Boycotting the goods and services of the Left. I know I will never buy another Bruce Springstein CD again! I hope to lead others to stop spending their hard earned money on these Terror-enabling Moore-licking ignoramuses (thanks to for that one).

If we band together we can diminsh the influence these Sister-breeding Chomskyites, these Big-government donkeyspawn, these Pustulant Liberals and these Socialist boobs have over our society and children.

If you have an example of the wacky left and you feel they should be boycotted please send it to me.

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