Monday, August 30, 2004

Monday Moanin'

The Olympics are finally over. Dear NBC - I loved the Track and Field coverage. The diving portion was over exposed and tedious and while you are at it get rid of that squeaking little gerbil that reported on the dives. Where was the weight lifting, the shooting competition ( what's wrong are you afraid of those big bad guns?) and not to mention many other competitions that did not get any or very little coverage? Too much coverage of Volleyball, Swimming, Beach Volleyball and Diving. Well that's one man's opinion.
Speaking of Track and Field, what has happened to Carol Lewis? Let me give you some advise honey - Put down the fork and push yourself away from the table. If you get much bigger the next new Track event will be the fastest time for running around your perimeter. While I'm passing out digs - Bobby Costas, you colored your hair, we all noticed it !

I think Michael Savage had it right when he proclaimed that this election will be decided by the Swift Boat Vets for the Truth and that peoples future in broadcasting will depend on how they handle covering this event. Who's up - Sean Hannity, Michael Savage , Rush Limbaugh, and Hugh Hewitt Who's going down - The alphabet networks ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN as well as those two phony ( Democratic and Liberal ) "Political analysts" for FOXNEWS. Hey Johnny Boy, stop hiding behind the skirts of the MSM and sign form SF-180. Sean Hannity is the only person I've seen on TV who has asked the Kerry Apologists for Kerry to sign the SF-180 and get all the records released. If the roles were reversed all the talking heads would be shouting and repeating for JFK's signing of the SF-180 ( George Bush incidentally did sign the SF-180 when his military records were called into question ). What are you hiding Johnny Boy?

A horse walks into a bar and the bartender asks "Why the Long Face?" A three legged dog walks into a bar and announces "I'm looking for the man who shot my paw!" A termite walks into a bar and asks "Is the bar-tender here?" A giraffe walks into a bar and announces "The High Balls are on me!" John Kerry walks into a bar and the bartender asks "Why the long face?"

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