Monday, August 30, 2004

Let's get more of this Rust off!

Some Random thoughts-

I am tired of the terrorists hiding behind "holy sites" armed with rocket launchers and killing our brave troops. I offer a solution on how to get rid these creeps. It's time to call in Hillary Clinton, Janet Reno and the ATF. Just tell 'em these Muslim terrorists really are evil Christians holed up some where in Texas and let them have at it. They won't have any trouble destroying these holy sites and all those hiding there.

I am looking on my Milk carton for a picture of Sandy Berger. He apparently is missing. The media stopped covering the Clinton National Security Adviser and Kerry Campaign adviser after he was found hiding documents in his socks and stuffing national security documents down his pants. Where is he?

Better yet, I think we need an Amber alert for Sandy Berger. He has disappeared and has been missing for several weeks. Be on the lookout for a fat, middle aged white male with paper documents stuffed in his socks and underwear. If found, he can be identified by Bill Clinton getting a good laugh from him and John Kerry running away from him as fast as possible. He will also appear invisible if put in front of Katie Couric, Peter Jennings or Dan Rather.

Why aren't more people watching the Dennis Miller show on CNBC? His ratings have been bad, of course he is up against Hannity and Colmes in our market. Dennis is witty as ever. His show is usually very good, I rarely miss it. Now I don't always agree with him but he is cleaver,witty,smart and lets the opposing view speak. What I really enjoy is that is does not let the lefties get away with their lies and half truths. Once I get my own cable channel, he will be offered a show if this one doesn't pan out.

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