Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Michelle Malkin listens to me.

She can't deny it. I posted about the MinuteMen Project early this morning 5:24 A.M to be exact. I then wrote to as many people as I could before I headed to work (there were 3 emails including one to Michelle Malkin). I stated that I did not represent the MinuteMan Project nor did I plan on participating in the event but did feel that the blogosphere has not given it enough attention and could she (as I did to the other two people I emailed) please give this project a mention on her site.

Well Lordy, Lordy at 9:25 A.M, she writes this.

It looks strangely familiar doesn't it?

She did as I asked so I'm not complaining. The MinuteMan Project gets some recognition to a much larger audience. http://minutemanproject.com/

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