Wednesday, October 06, 2004


My son gave me Doom3 the day it came out. I've been playing it as much as time will allow. I did not bother to invest in another video card, the one I have works just fine. There are some things I'm sure would look better but not $500 better.
Yes the game is O.K. It is fun to play in the dark with the lights out. Monsters jumping out of the dark corners gets old. I'd say I'm half way through so I won't say any more until I finish.
It did get me thinking about the old Doom games, now those were fun. I remembered playing a GL-Doom version that never was finished. I looked around on the internet and found a new GL-Doom version called ZDoomGL. It appears most of the bugs are worked out, it rarely hangs on my machine. More importantly it adds to the Doom games in ways I can't explain. You are playing those great games in real 3-D. It sure has been a ball replaying Doom2 over again. I remembered many of the secret areas and have found some new ones. I highly recomend getting this mod for the old Doom games. It also works on Hexen, I haven't had much of a chance to play this as of yet. Go here for the patch and say goodbye to your weekend.
Yes, it is better than Doom3.

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