Sunday, October 10, 2004

Prez debate #2

The second debate was one of the best I’ve ever witnessed. Both candidates were fired up and you could tell they were speaking from the heart most of the time.

I think the reason it was so good is that the moderator did not ask the questions though he did get to screen the questions and pick which ones should be asked. Now Charlie Gibson is no friend of the conservatives but he did pick some interesting questions.

The only image of Charlie Gibson that I have from this debate was the image of his glasses slid down, hanging on the end of his nose and his looking over the top of his glasses. God, I’m sick of this “look.” You know there was some image-maker hired and his advise to Charlie G. was this ridiculous, condescending, I’m smarter than you “look” that came across as plain staged.

That’s one of my pet peeves with Liberals is their condescending attitude toward us lesser- thans. I suppose that’s why his wearing his glasses this way pisses me off. To me, all I saw was a dopey liberal trying to come across as intelligent. There are lot words to describe you Charles Gibson but intelligent is not one of them.

I wish I was in stands and got to ask a question. Of course the “intelligent” moderator would screen anything that I wanted to ask JFK out. Especially since Charlie Gibson works for ABC and they were caught giving commands to hold each candidate to a different standard. See complete story here .

They actually think that we don’t realize that Conservatives and Liberals are held to different standards. All three major networks have been now caught in one form or another of “slanted” coverage on this presidential campaign (just as I had predicted on my September 1, 2004 post). George Bush’s background is so thoroughly checked that the fact that he missed a few days, thirty years ago, in the Guard is told as if it is newsworthy. But John Kerry’s last 20 years of sloth as Senator go unmentioned. John Kerry’s un-American actions during the Vietnam War go uncovered by the MSM but if a high-school drop out turned actor turned diplomat from Hollywood calls George W. any name it’s everywhere and is actually treated as something we lesser-thans should consider.

Did you know John Kerry wrote a book? You can’t buy if you wanted to. The Kerry-Heinz’s have bought every available copy. The book is nothing but Anti-American Tripe. If you can stomach it you can read it here. Have you heard it even mentioned in the Main Stream Media?

The Swift Boat Vets got some exposure from the NEW MEDIA but if mentioned in the MSM all you heard was contempt. The MSM perpetuated the lie that their book is full of misinformation and yet, to this date, not one thing the Swift Boat Vet’s have proclaimed has been proven to be false. All the Swift Boat Vets did was tell the truth, something the MSM won’t acknowledge if it does not meet their agenda.

Anyways, I digress. I was talking about my question to JFK if given the chance. I would ask him “All the controversy from the Swift Boat Vets could be eliminated by you if you would disclose all you military records by signing a Form 180. Please don’t try to lie to us and tell us that all your military records have been released, you aren’t talking to Charlie Rose, Dan Rather or Larry King. All your records have not been released to the public, what are you trying to hide and why haven’t you signed the Form 180?”

Other questions I’d like to ask. “Why haven’t your wife’s tax records been released to the public?” Or “How did it feel when the U.S. pulled out of Vietnam at the urging of you and other war protesters and MILLIONS of innocent people in Southeast Asia were slaughtered at the hands of the communists after we left. How do you sleep at night?”

JFK has been given a pass by the Main Stream Media. Their indifference to being indifferent and just reporting the facts has led to the beginning of their end. Informed, smart, intelligent (and good looking) people now use the Internet and talk radio for their information.

Now of course I could change all of this even more if just given the chance to form a conservative cable channel with nothing but conservative views, opinions and outlook. It would be a blockbuster only because it fills a void on our television airwaves that needs to be filled very badly.

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