Thursday, September 30, 2004

Take Cover!

I was driving home from work this afternoon, listening to Michael Savage (during commericals I switch over to Hugh Hewitt). A caller makes a good point about the Democrats resembling the Japanese at the end of World War Two in Okinawa. The Japanese could sense the end was near so they sent out planes to attack Hara-Keri (Kerry), one last (and futile) attempt to turn the tide of war in their favor.

The Democrats seem to be doing the same during this election campaign. First it Richard Clarke delivering his dive bomb, then a whole slew of Lefty's came out with their anti-Bush books and then it Ted Kennedy attacking. Jimmy Carter made an attempt but he couldn't get his plane off the ground. Then it was CBS and Dan Rather with the forged documents. They survived their first attempt so they came back in a new plane and are trying again (what have they left to lose). See here and here and here and finally here.

Even though NBC can see the CBS plane up in smoke they send out their pilots to deliver this crap.

Take Cover, I'm sure more planes are on the way.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

You could've made $

If you'd taken my picks posted on Sunday morning you could've made money. Perhaps I'll start one of those pick lines, you know the kind, you pay to get my betting tips for the week.

I'm not much of a gambler myself, I do bet on on sporting events, especially the NFL and some college football. I may bet $50 to $100 a week during the NFL season, that's all I can afford to lose.

I never understood this whole industry catering to "gambling addiction." I had an acquaintance who went away for ten days for "the cure" of his gambling addiction. It cost him a bunch of money. There were many others there who also paid a lot of money for this "cure."

Now let's say there really is such a thing as an addiction to gambling. Now let's also say that there is someone who is "addicted" but they win more often than they lose while gambling. Do they still have an addiction? Well, the "addicted gambler" who's winning is not going for the "cure", it's only the ones who've lost money who go for the "cure." Isn't it a better term to call it a "losers addiction" rather than a "gambling addiction?"

Well that's one man's opinion.

I have a problem with this whole "addiction thing" anyway. It seems a lot of people in this society are "addicted" to one thing or another. We now have addictions for food, attention, gambling and even SEX! Anything considered a vice or anything that feels good has the potential to be addictive in what has become a society of weaklings. Think you are not a weakling? Pick a day this week and don't drink coffee, no sugar, no alcohol, no tobacco or whatever you've been meaning to quit. Do it for one day. Try it and then ask yourself are you addicted or just weak?

Tommy Lasorda said it best, "I took a pack of cigarettes from my pocket, stared at it and said, “Who’s stronger, you or me?” The answer was me. I stopped smoking. Then I took a vodka martini and said to it, “Who’s stronger, you or me?” Again the answer was me. I quit drinking. Then I went on a diet. I looked at a big plate of linguine with clam sauce and said, “Who’s stronger, you or me?” And a little clam looked up at me and answered, “I am.” I can’t beat linguine.

It's all up to you.

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Enough is Enough !

CBS has carried this charade out long enough. If you are as fed up as I am with CBS and Dan Rather, give 'em a piece of your mind. Here is a list of CBS station managers with their phone numbers and email addresses - here. Thanks to for that. You can also find a list of advertisers to 60 Minutes, 60 Minutes II and The Evening News here and a list of Viacom shareholders here.

Here is an easy way to write over 200 emails to CBS stations - here.

Let 'em know how you feel.

What a great Day !

Nothing special going on, I just woke up feeling GOOD! Yeah!

I've been thinking about what I want this site is to become. I got myself all tangled up in thoughts. I think this site is just going to be what it is, what I'm thinking at the time that I have the time and energy to put thoughts into words.

I have been planning a web site with this name (Boycott the Left) for some time. I simply do not have the time or the knowledge to make what I wanted. This Blogging thing made sense after I discovered an easy way (blogspot does make it very easy) to get something on the internet. I've been doing this for over a month now. I came across a web site (with a very similar name) today. It's funny, this site Boycott Liberalism is everything I had in mind when I came up for the name for my site. Check it out, he does a much better job than I could ever do (for now). So another great idea stolen ! :)

Well, for now this site is only going to be a Blog. I hope it entertains and I hope it's messages speak to you. I think I'll stay away from the current news as it seems all those Right Wing Talk Radio hosts are stealing my ideas and thoughts and the blogosphere is full of such places already.

Speaking of great sites, I have a new site that I find myself checking daily. Timm is one of the funniest guys around and besides anyone who likes football and Ann Coulter is all right in my book. Add this site to your favorites.

I've ordered a 3 foot Italian grinder and bucket of Italian Lemon Ice for the games today. My boys and I will be watching football all day. I plan to achieve very little today other than making some $ on the games. My best picks, the Eagles will handle Detroit easily, more than 4 1/2 points. Minnesota and Chicago will be a high scoring game, Minnesota's Defense stinks and Chicago's starting secondary is out with injuries. While Chicago is much better than people think, they will eventually lose this high scoring track meet 42-32, take the over ( 44.5 points at the time of this writing).

Did I ever tell you my two favorite football teams are the Detroit Lions and whoever is playing the Dallas Cowboys. Not many people admit to being a Detroit Lions fan. They are still a year a way from making the playoffs, they may make it this year but will definitely be there next year. Of course, I go back to the days of Milt Plum, Alex Karras and Joe Schmidt, now I'm showing my age again.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Open letter to President Bush

Dear President Bush:

You’ve probably noticed that I have not sent you or the Republican party any money since you were elected. My reason is simple, you no longer represent what I believe. You and your willing accomplices in Congress have been spending tax payer money like a bunch of drunken Democrats. I know there is a war going on and you and the fine U.S. soldiers are doing a very good job, but that does not give you an excuse to spend money excessively in all other areas of the federal government. You came to Washington with the hopes of healing the political riffs there. You O.K’d the spending of money to appease the left. Well it did not work, they turned on you anyway, they always do, just ask your father. So Mr. President if you want my support here are some things I want you to consider:

1.) Stop spending so Damn much money! This country will get along just fine without all of this government bling-bling. Spend as much as you need on the military and for disaster relieve. Everything else can go in the toilet, it’s not the national governments place to spend money on anything different.
2.) Want to reform education? Stop spending federal money on it! You got Teddy Kennedy to write the Education reform spending package, gave it your O.K. and guess what? Teddy Kennedy is screaming to the press that you did not do enough for Education during your campaign for re-election (of course no one in the press took the time to mention his hand in the latest Education bill). Break up the Teacher’s Union, stop tenure for college professors, allow parent’s choice when it comes to education, allow all political voices to be heard on college campuses, and don’t allow drivers licenses until children get a high school diploma (talk about incentive).
3.) Term Limits. We need Term Limits for all members of the Federal Government specifically the House, the Senate and all Federally appointed Judges. You would have been able to get more done if there were fewer career politicians (ex. Tom Daschle) standing in your way. Also, the will of the people would no longer be thwarted by the rulings of liberal Federal (lifetime appointed) Judges.
4.) Bring back the Contract with America and GET FINISHED WHAT WASN’T DONE! If you’ve forgotten, here it is: FIRST, require all laws that apply to the rest of the country also apply equally to the Congress; SECOND, select a major, independent auditing firm to conduct a comprehensive audit of Congress for waste, fraud or abuse; THIRD, cut the number of House committees, and cut committee staff by one-third; FOURTH, limit the terms of all committee chairs; FIFTH, ban the casting of proxy votes in committee; SIXTH, require committee meetings to be open to the public; SEVENTH, require a three-fifths majority vote to pass a tax increase; EIGHTH, guarantee an honest accounting of our Federal Budget by implementing zero base-line budgeting.
5.) Stop pussy-footing around in Iraq. Your approval ratings for Iraq aren’t down because we don’t believe in why we are there, it’s because you’re fighting the war like a tofu-farting sissy. If they are killing our boys while hunkered down in “sacred holy sites” blow ‘em to Hell and back. Those “holy sites” stopped being holy once they were being used to kill our brave troops.
6.) The next time you have a press conference talk to the people who care and understand what you are talking about. Stop answering questions from “reporters” from the New York Times or Los Angles Times or ABC, CBS, NBC,and CNN. Invite Talk radio hosts and bloggers. More people read and listen to these media than do those other “old Media” sources.
7.) Get the hell out of the U.N. It is corrupt, no longer serves its purpose and it serves no one but itself. Get the U.S. out the the U.N.
8.) Keep standing up for the rights of the unborn. You’ve done O.K. on this front so far. I wish you would have fought harder to get conservative judges appointed though. Grow some testicles and start fighting hard for the rights of the unborn. Yes, the Main Stream Media will beat you up over this, but their influence is a lot less than you think or fear and they are going to beat you up no matter what you do. Which leads me to my next point-
9.) Stop trying to get the left and the Main Stream Media to like you. You’ve shown you can do it on the war in Iraq, now do it in all things you hold dear, such as stopping abortion.
10.) Close the Borders! Deport all illegal immigrants now. Empty Federal prisons of all illegal immigrants and send them back to where they came (put a microchip in their arse first, in case they try to come back). Stop pandering to ILLEGALS!!! They are not our (taxpayer) problem.
11.) Disallow all Federal money to ILLEGAL immigrants. You want to lower hospital costs, stop expecting hospitals to pay for the medical care of illegal immigrants (the cost is just passed on to all others anyway), no welfare, Medicare, or any Federal Tax Payer money should be spent on those who are here illegally.
12.) Tort Reform. This country’s government was supposed to be of the people, by the people and for the people. Instead it has become the government of the lawyers, by the lawyers and for the lawyers. (That line is so good I should have it copyrighted) .
13.) Allow God back into Government. You stood by while those ACLU heathens took away our very foundation to all of our laws, the Ten Commandments, from the Alabama Supreme Court rotunda and you watched as a good and decent man of God, Judge Roy Moore, was suspended. Refer to #8, i.e. grow some testicles.
14.) Get rid of the IRS. Eliminate it. Replace the income with a national sales tax. 10% is good enough for the Church, it should be good enough for the federal government. If it can’t live on it too bad, eliminate most of it and it won’t be so costly.
15.) Eliminate Affirmative Action. It is nothing but Government Sponsored Discrimination. White people of my age have had a whole lifetime of discrimination against us. We are mad as hell about it and we are about to come out swinging and shooting if something isn’t done real soon.
16.) Stop giving taxpayer money to National Public Radio, they only tell one side of the picture, the liberal side.
17.) Give me, well all conservatives, a cable channel. Kids have several channels, Liberals have a whole lot of channels, Golfers have their own channel, Cooks have a channel, music lovers have many channels, sports have many channels, the NFL has their own channel. I could go on and on. I want a conservative channel where we don’t have to listen to a Michael Moore loving, tree hugging, vegan-farting lib screaming over the voice of the conservative. Just one channel where we could watch the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingram, Hugh Hewitt, Ben Shapario, Michelle Malkin, Sean Hannity, Michael Medved and Michael Savage. We could do shows about things we care about, family, life, God and Country. We could have bloggers getting national face time doing nothing but reading their blogs over the airwaves - which would be much better than anything on television now.

Now don't get me wrong, you have done some things right and you are good, decent, God-fearing man like myself. You've also done a very good job on the war on Terror. I'm still gonna vote for you. That other guy scares the hell out of me and he would be much worse for this great country.


Robert Dillon

Monday, September 20, 2004

I need my own talk show

Yea, that's right, I need my own Talk show. I spent a good part of morning posting my blog only to hear what I wrote on Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Michael Savage. Great Minds think alike. They'll take credit for it but I'm sure they all checked my site before they went on the air.

While I'm bragging, Reread my blog from September 1st. I predicted the "Great Lie" by the left wing media. I hope my other prediction does not come to fruition.

Oh hell, I need, we (conservatives) need our own cable channel. My God, Golf has their own channel, Kids have several channels, Homosexuals have their own channel (HGTV), Cooks have their own channel (FoodTV). I could go on and on. Conservatives need their own channel period. Send me your ideas for shows, we can make this happen.

Monday Moanin'

Damn, I'm having to retype all of this because my foot hit the plug in the powerstrip and my computer shut down. Now with a typewriter you don't have that kind of problem. (Fill in your own remark here:))

I know I am boycotting CBS, but damn it, they carry some NFL games. I had to watch some this Sunday. I don't get many Sunday's off (the joys of working in a Hospital) so NFL ticket is not an answer in my world.

Dan Rather is now trying to come off as being taken for a ride? I think he was a willing passenger shouting out directions on where he wanted to go with this ride. Dan's retirement is the only acceptable outcome. Oh, I'll take a full retraction of the story or a full confessional too, but then Dan Rather must retire. PERIOD.

I along with others have pointed out that John Kerry's slide in the polls seems to coincide with The Swift Boat Vets. See the newest ad here . (ABC is whining about this one - Hey you liberal scumbags at ABC why aren't you at ABC using your own film footage to show John Kerry lying. Why are Veterns having to use their own money to buy an ad to show John Kerry lying! If you in the media weren't so biased the truth could be told without having to buy and advertisement. All you have to do is turn the tables and ask how would they handle this story if this was about a Republican to show their bias)
However another theory has surfaced. Ask yourself do you really want a President who throws like a girl? John Kerry's falling in favor can be directly tied to his unmannly throwing out of the first pitch at a Red Sox's game in late August.

The Oil for Food U.N. fraud, my thoughts on abortion and lots of other good stuff.

My two cents

I must say all this Dan Rather, CBS, forgery fiasco, seems to me, to be very Clintonesque. Clinton perfected how to cover up a lie (he’s had a lot of practice).

First you deny the lie, it’s taken two weeks for Danny Boy to fess up and only after almost everyone agreed that he offered faked documents.

Then you cloud the issue. Clinton’s best example is how the whole impeachment turned out to be about nothing other than a blow job. (This lie is perpetuated by some to this day). CBS and Dan Rather first tried to cloud their issue with “the documents may be fake but are accurate.” They will continue with this nonsense but will add some new twists. Add in some half truths and lies to take attention away from the BIG LIE.

The next step is to call in your willing accomplices in the MSM. This came naturally for Clinton. This is the same kind of garbage Clinton got away with 12 years ago (almost all the time), the same kind of bull-feces Clinton got away with most of the time 8 years ago, the same kind crap Gore got away with 4 years ago because of their willing partners in the Main Stream Media. The MSM’s influence over the masses has been steadily declining over the years. Talk radio led the way and now the Internet leads the way with Talk radio echoing what is on the Internet and vice-a-versa. (This may be what Al Gore meant when he claimed to have invented the Internet.)
They can no longer get away with LIES.

Look for the MSM to lend some support for Dan’s Story although I doubt it will be much. The MSM is still trembling and shaking from the witnessed whip-crack delivered to Danny Boy's Lying Ass by the Blogosphere.

Next you find a fall guy. Dan Rather’s fall guy for now is Bill Burkett. Now Bill seems to be a couple of taco’s short of a full combo meal.

Deny, cloud the issue, call in your brethren for cover, and finally find a fall guy. That worked for Clinton because there was no truth detector out there other than Rush. Even as charming as Bill Clinton is and no matter how much the left adore him, I doubt if he could be elected now. There are just to many people out there in the Blogosphere looking for the truth. He could never get away with what he got away with in the past and without THE TRUTH there really isn’t much to Bill Clinton. But I digress; Dan Rather is not going to get away with this. One, He is not a politician (although he is very political) and Two, his brethren in the MSM are not going to come to his aide as much as Dan hoped and Third, the blogoshpere is on his hind-end. We have new found powers and we are mad as hell and we are not going to take it anymore.

This track works for those found to be lying, if it does not work out as well as planned and you wish to put your story to bed, just come out and apologize. Then when others come to inquire you can just respond “look we’ve already discussed this to all ends and we have apologized, we have no more to say about ____” Well that ain’t gonna work. CBS has and Dan Rather will offer their apologies today. But this will not put this story to rest. We have an admitted Liberal and Democrat offering up forged documents just prior to the election of a sitting Republican President. "I'm sorry" just is not going to cut it.

It ain't over yet, Baby!

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Dennis Miller - Temporarily Boycotted

You all know I'm a fan of Dennis Miller's show, I've even plugged his show on this website. I admire his communication skills and his views seem to be well thought out.

Now I don't always agree with him. A couple of nights ago he stated that he wasn't too happy with joining a party "that supports assault weapons." He is just uninformed and is following the jive given by the left I thought. Last night, Dennis goes into a whole monologue on "assault weapons." I couldn't stand it, CLICK, off he went.

Anyone who's arguments include the words "assault weapons" is obviously uninformed. Words mean things. They are semi-automatic weapons not "assault weapons." The law that sunsetted was bad law and totally inept.

This article says it better than I ever could. Yes, Dennis this article is from the NRA. We are not a bunch of wild eyed hicks with "assault weapons" pointed at the heads of the politicians.

This also leads me to another thought. I think it is fantastic that the Republican Party is now thought of as a "big tent." You are welcome into this tent, but don't come in here hoping to change some fundamental foundations of this great party. WE STAND FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE SECOND AMENDMENT AND WE WILL NOT CHANGE THAT, PERIOD.

You newbies are entitled to bring differing opinions but if you are going to voice them, you better know what the hell you are talking about.

So Dennis, I am sending you a copy of this post. I know you probably won't even read it but if it should get by your screener at least take a look the suggested article. But as for now, consider yourself boycotted.

Let Dennis know how you think, send an email to Dennis.

Wictory Wednesday

John Thune is our candidate to do this. He has a slight lead in the polls, but he's being vastly outspent by Daschle. If you can give $10, $25, or $100, this would be a good time to donate to Thune's campaign.

Today is Wictory Wednesday. Every Wednesday, hundreds of bloggers ask their readers to donate to an important Republican Senate campaign.

Monday, September 13, 2004

Hey Bloggers!

Enough with the typo-superscripting-fonts-word processing-typewriter-proportional spacing-mumbo jumbo !!!!!

Why don't we just get Lt Col Killian's other memo's from that time and compare them with the now infamous memos. OH WE CAN'T, THERE AREN'T ANY OTHERS TO COMPARE WITH BECAUSE LT. COL. KILLIAN COULDN'T TYPE !

Is it true that all the other memo's from him were handwritten? So we get several hundred hand written memo's and compare them with the four word-processed forgeries of typewritten memo's handed out by Dan Rather. Case closed.

Main Stream Media (MSM)

Have you noticed? The MSM has ignored the Swiftboat Vets, denied the Swiftboat Vets, denounced the Swiftboat Vets and smeared the Swiftboat Vets.

The MSM has given the Swiftvets a very cold shoulder indeed.

And yet, John Kerry is now behind in the polls (way behind) and was ahead in the polls before Unfit for Command came out. Coincidence?

Rather Obvious

The Blog world is on fire ! Dan Rather tried to get a way with a Whopper and some Supersize Lies.

Before you get all giddy about Danny Boy getting caught and getting exposed, as of this writing (9/13/04 early A.M.), Dan Rather still has his job and no one from CBS has denied anything.

Most bloggers are all looking on, waiting for the next shoe to drop from CBS. I fear you will wait a long, long time. Other "stories" are going to come along and take over this one. I know many of you out there fantasize that the other networks will start nailing CBS. Then each network will turn on each other and they will expose how the other networks are really the liberally biased ones. Network vs Network vs Network vs Network, the truth will finally come out.

Well stop it, you are fantasizing. What is going to happen is this, CBS will ignore the story, Bloggers will be smeared, other stories will come to the front, liberal bias will continue and the only way the truth will get out is through talk radio and the blog-o-sphere. You will continue to be frustrated by it all and life goes on, one blog at a time.

Wanna do something about it? Well try this or this.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Hey Hey, Ho Ho - Kerry must sign the 180

I heard Michael Savage say this a couple of weeks ago and it is stuck in my mind today, repeating itself over and over. The media is on full attack mode on George W's records during the Vietnam war. Stuff that we already saw four years ago. What's next,? a re-announcement on election's eve that W had a D.U.I. when he was younger?
No one in the media has asked John Kerry about signing a form 180 (well mostly because he's been ignoring them).

CBS and NBC both have hit pieces on George scheduled for this week and yet they still have yet to even acknowledge the Swift Boat Vets other than to dismiss them. CBS and NBC have been previously boycotted, but now I just have another reason to make them wait even longer before the will get the privilage of my viewership! I wish I had the time and strength to watch these hit pieces only so that I could share with you the advertisers of this dredge. Then we could all write them a nasty note. But I prefer the easier way and just not watch it, period.

Hey hey, Ho ho, Kerry must sign the 180.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

The News

I stopped watching Network News a long time ago. I tune in every once in while and as usually is the case, I get pissed and turn it off. I used to joke the C in ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN stood for Clinton - All 'Bout Clinton, Clinton Broadcasting Corporation, Nothin' But Clinton and Clinton News Network. While in Vegas this weekend, I flipped on the hotel room T.V. and the only news channel I could find was CNN. I was sitting there, trying to catch up on some news while waiting. We traveled with eight people, trying to do anything together is like herding Jellyfish, so you spend a lot of time waiting for the slowest member of the group.
It was a short time before I had to turn it off! I swear as God as my witness, I saw four news reports and three of them were about Bill Clinton. ENOUGH! CLICK!

The first thing I did when I got home was to get on the internet and find out what is really going on in the world instead of that strange universe on T.V. where Billy Clinton is THE Center of their universe and they seem to think that we really care. Bill Clinton has clogged arteries, who is surprised?

I came across some news that I know will not make it on the Networks and may or may not make it to Fox News. Stuff you'll only find on the internet. Such as this story about posing with a gun, or this related story, see last paragraph..

I am also going to link to a story that, years ago, would have been repeated over and over again like a big echo chamber. All the news channels would have repeated the story, all the Clinton appointed lying heads would shout out this news as if it were fact whenever debating a conservative (and the host of the show would let them get away with it even if he/she knew it not to be true). All to give the illusion that anyone who would vote for Bush is a big meanie because those kind of people booed when President Clinton was sick. The only voice we had was Rush Limbaugh and he would make a big deal of it and do it very well. He may make a big deal of it now (I don't listen to Rush as much as I used to and will probably miss today's show).
But now we have Sean Hannity, Hugh Hewitt, Laura Ingram, Michael Savage as well as some voice on FOX NEWs but more importantly we have the internet. They did not get away with this lie, but they tried. We were able to stop them before much damage was done. This is why I still have hope for this election and hope for this country. We still have a long, long way to go and the sooner I get my own television channel the sooner we can put an end to this :) Here is the story on booing.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004


Remember in the movie "Patton", when George C. Scott (Patton) is speaking in front of a group of British women? While giving thanks to all of the allies and listing them one by one, his secretary tugs on his jacket and whispers "don't forget the Russians." Patton does forget to mention the Russians (on purpose) and it leads to a lot of political problems for Patton.
That scene comes to mind when I watch the Republicans speak at their convention. I am sure it is just an over site on their part, but I want to reach up on the stage, tug on their jacket and whisper "don't forget to mention the support of our allies in this war on terror." I'm afraid this is going to lead to political problems for the U.S.

Put a fork in John Kerry, he's done. The Republicans have already succeeded in getting out their message and John Kerry will continue to get tangled up in his own two worlds.

So far in this convention I give two big thumbs up to Zell Miller's and Arnold's speeches. The other speeches were O.K. and served their purpose. But Zell and Arnold's speeches will go down as two of the best ever.

Now I am going to make a prediction. I strongly believe the Left will start a very serious rumor (lie) and the willing partners in Main Stream Media will perpetuate the lie right up to election. Their purpose? Only to cast doubt in mind's of the voters. We will once again witness the MSM bias and the underhandedness and untruthfulness of the Left.

My other prediction is very sad to even write. I fear that our country will be attacked again by the Evil terrorists before the election. I fear the worst and I honestly hope I am wrong on this one. But I feel it and fear it. God Bless us and watch over us.

I am going to miss the last night of the convention because of work and watching my son's J.V football team's first game of the season. (Go Sabino) Friday morning the family is heading to Las Vegas for some R and R. I will be missing for a few days.