Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Dennis Miller - Temporarily Boycotted

You all know I'm a fan of Dennis Miller's show, I've even plugged his show on this website. I admire his communication skills and his views seem to be well thought out.

Now I don't always agree with him. A couple of nights ago he stated that he wasn't too happy with joining a party "that supports assault weapons." He is just uninformed and is following the jive given by the left I thought. Last night, Dennis goes into a whole monologue on "assault weapons." I couldn't stand it, CLICK, off he went.

Anyone who's arguments include the words "assault weapons" is obviously uninformed. Words mean things. They are semi-automatic weapons not "assault weapons." The law that sunsetted was bad law and totally inept.

This article says it better than I ever could. Yes, Dennis this article is from the NRA. We are not a bunch of wild eyed hicks with "assault weapons" pointed at the heads of the politicians.

This also leads me to another thought. I think it is fantastic that the Republican Party is now thought of as a "big tent." You are welcome into this tent, but don't come in here hoping to change some fundamental foundations of this great party. WE STAND FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE SECOND AMENDMENT AND WE WILL NOT CHANGE THAT, PERIOD.

You newbies are entitled to bring differing opinions but if you are going to voice them, you better know what the hell you are talking about.

So Dennis, I am sending you a copy of this post. I know you probably won't even read it but if it should get by your screener at least take a look the suggested article. But as for now, consider yourself boycotted.

Let Dennis know how you think, send an email to Dennis.

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