Wednesday, September 01, 2004


Remember in the movie "Patton", when George C. Scott (Patton) is speaking in front of a group of British women? While giving thanks to all of the allies and listing them one by one, his secretary tugs on his jacket and whispers "don't forget the Russians." Patton does forget to mention the Russians (on purpose) and it leads to a lot of political problems for Patton.
That scene comes to mind when I watch the Republicans speak at their convention. I am sure it is just an over site on their part, but I want to reach up on the stage, tug on their jacket and whisper "don't forget to mention the support of our allies in this war on terror." I'm afraid this is going to lead to political problems for the U.S.

Put a fork in John Kerry, he's done. The Republicans have already succeeded in getting out their message and John Kerry will continue to get tangled up in his own two worlds.

So far in this convention I give two big thumbs up to Zell Miller's and Arnold's speeches. The other speeches were O.K. and served their purpose. But Zell and Arnold's speeches will go down as two of the best ever.

Now I am going to make a prediction. I strongly believe the Left will start a very serious rumor (lie) and the willing partners in Main Stream Media will perpetuate the lie right up to election. Their purpose? Only to cast doubt in mind's of the voters. We will once again witness the MSM bias and the underhandedness and untruthfulness of the Left.

My other prediction is very sad to even write. I fear that our country will be attacked again by the Evil terrorists before the election. I fear the worst and I honestly hope I am wrong on this one. But I feel it and fear it. God Bless us and watch over us.

I am going to miss the last night of the convention because of work and watching my son's J.V football team's first game of the season. (Go Sabino) Friday morning the family is heading to Las Vegas for some R and R. I will be missing for a few days.

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