Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Daddy - What is Kwanzaa?

I've been collecting articles about Kwanzaa so that I could write an intelligent story about this phoney "holiday." But I came across an article that says it all and says it better than I ever could. See it here.

God save us.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Boycott the Blue.

Well, these nice people put up a web site informing us what corporations gave to which political party. They would prefer that you Choose the Blue, but I'm gonna Boycott the Blue .

I'll choose RED, Thank you.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Thursday, November 25, 2004

My little girl has made me proud !

My first born child, Stephanie, has joined the Navy. At the time of this writing she is "enjoying" her first week in Boot Camp while stationed at Great Lakes Naval Base (lovely weather this time of year).

Friends and family gathered in our home on November 13, 2004 to give Stephanie a good send off. What follows are some photo's from that weekend.

We pray that she stays out of harm's way, learns as much as possible, and hope she gets to see a little bit of the world.

We are (especially her father) proud of her.

Stephanie's boyfriend Jason and Stephanie Posted by Hello

The Dillons: (Starting Front left and going clockwise). Cousin Miranda (Loveland CO), Stephanie's mother and my lovely wife Val, Some fat guy, Cousin Jeramie (Loveland, CO), Grandma Schulcz's husband "Rip" (Loveland,CO), Uncle Jimmy from Loveland, CO. and finally Uncle Brent from Englewood,FL. Posted by Hello

Cousin Emory from Loveland,CO. Posted by Hello

Stephanie's lovely mother Posted by Hello

Grandma "Schulcz" holding Stephanie's cousin Emory Posted by Hello

Uncle Jim from Phoenix Posted by Hello

Stephanie's "little brothers" Brandon and Michael "acting like fools." Posted by Hello

Aunt Amy from Tucson, AZ. Posted by Hello

Aunt Sue from Phoenix.Posted by Hello

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Some photos

I live very near one of the most beautiful places on earth. If you are ever in Tucson, AZ. be sure to check out Sabino Canyon. Here are some photos I took today.

Sabino Canyon. Tucson, AZ. Posted by Hello

Water in the Desert Canyon ! Posted by Hello

Why does the word "Viagra" come to mind? Posted by Hello

Snoopy Peak. Posted by Hello

Monday, November 15, 2004

No, I am still alive. Why do you ask?

Old Dirty Bastard died today.

Blogspot question

I've figured how to change my template so that I have links at the side of my blog. How do I write my links so that they open in whole new window and you don't leave my site by clicking on them?

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Kerry support and random thoughts

I'm driving home from work the other night and I noticed W stickers and Bush/Cheney bumper stickers on the other vehicles but I could not find a Kerry bumper sticker on any other vehicles. I live in one of the “blue” counties in Southern Arizona and I would guess the bumper stickers ratio was about 50/50 before the election. If the car was an import and there was a lone woman with short gray hair driving you could almost guarantee a Kerry bumper sticker. W stickers ran a broad range of vehicles and people. Judging by the short time after the election that the Kerry bumper stickers disappeared, I'd guess Kerry's support was as shallow as their candidate's convictions.

I have had my fill of the whining from the left. It’s good to hear some sense starting to come out of left field.

Have you also noticed that the stock market was trending sharply down in the couple of months before the election and now is skyrocketing up. Much like the price of gasoline at the pump was going up before the election and now that the election is over the price of gas is going down. I have to wonder if some evil conspiracy was going on before the election. If Kerry was voted president these two items (gas prices falling and the stock market rising) would be trumpeted by the MSM as something wonderful to behold. Can you imagine the headlines “Gas prices drop because a Republican was not re-elected” or “The Stock Market is reacting positively to a Democrat being elected.” Then they would trot out some “expert” who would state “the economy has immediately turned around because a Clinton-like Democrat was elected.” Instead this good economic news is ignored by the MSM just as it was before the election.

George W is setting the tone for the next four years by doing this, which I strongly support, and this, again I support, and finally this. Go W.

But just as a start feeling really good about George W. being our president he does something stupid.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

RINO Power Grab alert!

This is going to bite the Republicans in the arse before all is said and done.

George W. and his sidekick Carl Rove made a bad mistake when they backed Arlen Specter during the past primary election. I said it when it happened and I am reminding you all again. George W. should have backed the Conservative Anti-Abortion Pat Toomey in the Pennsylvania primary. Instead he chose Arlen Specter, the biggest RINO this party has ever known, with the hopes that George could pick up Pennsylvania during the Presidential election.

Arlen Specter barely won the primary and then went on to barely win back his Senate seat in Pennsylvania. George W. did not win Pennsylvania in the election.

Why all this background you ask?

Well guess who is in line to be the next Senate Judiciary Committee Chairperson? That’s right Arlen Specter.

“So what?” you ask. Remember Robert Bork and the Circus act that surrounded his nomination to the Supreme Court? Guess who is the turncoat Republican that voted against Mr. Bork?

Remember the Clinton impeachment? Guess which Republican stood with Slick Willie?
That’s right Arlen Specter.

Mr. Specter has learned that the fastest way for a Republican to get on TV is by agreeing with a Democrat or disagreeing a Republican (a trick our Senator John McCain has perfected).

If he is to get this Chair, you won’t be able to watch TV without seeing his ugly mug on every pseudo-news program. He’ll get more airtime than a “Friends” rerun. He’ll be able to start his own TV show, if joins forces with John McCain (the media’s darling Republican) they could get their own TV network; RINO TV.

I don’t trust that phony, Republican in name only, two-faced political coward Arlen Specter on anything; how am I supposed to accept his nomination? Carl Rove is not as smart as many would like to believe. If he is behind this then he is even dumber than I give him credit (see post “My hat’s off to the other side”). If George W. is behind this then he may be as dumb as the other side has tried to make us believe.

Hugh Hewitt, someone who I trust and admire, is all for Arlen Specter. Sorry Hugh you are wrong on this one. Your arguments only hold water if we can trust Arlen Specter and we cannot and do not. This is going to bite George W., Conservatives and the Republican Party in the arse before all this plays out. We have a golden opportunity to turn things around in one whole branch of government. A branch of government I remind you that has largely undermined the will of the people for too long.

Arlen Specter is not to be trusted with this responsibility.
Stop Specter.

Arlen Specter warned President Bush against appointing pro-lifers to the Supreme Court. Arlen Specter supports taxpayer funded abortion.
Arlen Specter voted to endorse Roe v. Wade. Arlen Specter opposes the Federal Marriage Amendment. Arlen Specter opposes the death penalty for Saddam Hussein. Arlen Specter voted for campaign finance legislation that limited First Amendment rights.

The biggest reason to stop him.

Thanks to for the following contact information to the Senate Judiciary Committee Members. Let your voices be heard.

Bill Frist, 202-224-3344, 615-352-9411
Rick Santorum, 202-224-6324, 412-562-0533
Orrin Hatch, 202-224-5251, 801-524-4380
Chuck Grassley, 202-224-3744, 515-284-4890
Jon Kyl, 202-224-4521, 602-840-1891
Mike Dewine, 202-224-2315, 614-469-5186
Jeff Sessions, 202-224-4124, 334-244-7017
Lindsey Graham, 202-224-5972, 864-250-1417
Larry Craig, 202-224-2752, 208-342-7985
Saxby Chambliss, 202-224-3521, 770-763-9090
John Cornyn, 202-224-2934, 512-469-6034

One more thing to do: PRAY.

Friday, November 05, 2004

Head for Border !

What do you call 10,000 Liberals heading for the Canadian border?


Thursday, November 04, 2004

My hat's off to the other side

Yes I am happy George W. Bush won, relieved actually, and I am feeling good about my country. However, I have a sick feeling inside regarding this election. How could so many people vote for John Kerry? Are there really that many idiots in this country? Yes I've seen the "RED" county by county maps and I know he won 52 to 47 percent. Yes I know he won by almost 4 million votes and he has collected the most votes ever for a presidential election. BUT IF JUST 1 PERCENT OF THE VOTERS IN OHIO HAD VOTED DIFFERENTLY, JOHN KERRY WOULD BE OUR PRESIDENT.

How could anyone vote for a man to be commander-in-chief when he acted as a traitor to this country and our military just a short time ago? How could anyone vote for someone who lied over and over again about his military record after his lies were documented over and over again? How could anyone vote for someone who is obviously hiding something about his military career and demonstrated so by not signing a Form 180 to release his military records? How could anyone vote for our national leader whose wife is obviously a nut job? Do we want her to be our First Lady? I still don't know what John Kerry stood for; all I know is what he is against.

I know some of his popularity has to with all the support he received from Hollywood; much can be contributed from the support he received from the MSM and their unwillingness to probe into his Senate voting record or his military record. I am sure he got some votes from all the money spent by George Soros and others like him on false advertisements and the lies they spread. I know many votes came because of a disingenuous filmmaker spread propaganda that was proven over and over again to be full of falsehoods, lies and deceit and yet there were enough dumbshits who bought into his garbage and voted against George W.

We have President in the middle of a war that has done a good job in the fight on terrorism. The economy is good and is getting better. Bush should have won by a landslide. Is Karl Rove this reason we did so badly? I believe the Democrats did a much better job in getting their man elected. They took the most liberal Senator this nation has, a documentated traitor, a confirmed liar,a man who stands for nothing and takes both sides of any issue, an empty suit, a plastic banana phoney and ran him against a sitting president during a war, during a very good economy, an honest, dedicated, truthful man of God and they ALMOST MADE JOHN KERRY PRESIDENT. My hat is off to them.

I am sure the reasons for the closeness of this election can to attributed to many things probably a combination of all of the above. Thank God its over.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Four More Years

George W. Bush WINS.

Four More Years.

The Good – Four More Years of a good fight against terrorism. Four More Years of crime rates, drug use rates and abortion numbers dropping. Four More Years of lower taxes and an expanding economy. Four More Years of Laura Bush’s steadying hand. Four More Years to assign some conservative Federal Judges without the obstruction of Tom Daschle. Four More Years to educate the American public on what John Kerry really did during the Vietnam war. Four More Years of Iraq being on the road to govern itself. Four More Years of Afghanistan governing itself democratically. Four More Years of Bloggers growing in numbers and strength. Four More Years of the declining viewership of all the Major Networks news programs except Fox News. Four More Years and our family will add another conservative to the voting block.

The Bad – Four More Years of MSM bias, deceit and lies. Four More Years of RINO John McCain everywhere on TV and Radio trying to be “The Man Of The Middle”. Four More Years of conservatives being shut out of a Television station they can call their own. Four More Years of conservatives and Christians being made fun of on television and movies. Four More Years the Euro-Pansies thumbing their noses at us. Four more years of a porous U.S. border resulting in a very probable terrorist attack. Four More Years of Bill Maher and Al Franken, enough said.

The Ugly – Four More Years of Michael Moore, CBS News, Jimmy Carter, George Soros, Al Gore and their comrades slinging their lies, half truths and slander at us. Four More Years of the fat-ankled socialist Hillary sticking her ugly mug in front of every possible television camera and trying to convince us once again that we need National Health Care. Four More Years of the MSM fawning over the fat-ankled socialist. Four more years of trashy television. Four More Years that John Kerry will not release his Form 180 and no one in the MSM will ask him why he never did and will never investigate what he was hiding.

The Good still beats the Bad and still beats the Ugly and will again in Four More Years.

Best quote

Best quote so far concerning the election:

“The New York Times and CBS News and the entire mainstream media tried their best to bring down George W. Bush, and only succeeded in bringing down themselves.”



My random thoughts on the election.

Thank God George W. Bush is going to be re-elected.

-It's not official at the time of this writing but it looks like it's over. The media is keeping the election alive much like a badly written reality TV show (aren't they all) and we've got a bunch of "fake" drama going on right now. Once the defeated traitor-in-chief figures out that not even his 100,000 lawyers can help - Kerry should concede.

-Katie Couric is wearing black this morning, how appropriate.

-I, like a lot of people, flipped around the stations last night watching the returns. It was funny how CNN and CBS had the race closer all night than it really was.

-Cokie Roberts said something intelligent last night (liberals do have their moments) when she said something like "It's not the war in Iraq, it's not the economy, it is the moral vote that won in this election.' I assumed she meant that all gay marriage propositions failing. Maybe she meant that the "Moral Majority" got off their behind and voted (unlike the other side we didn't need a pied piper like Bruce Springsteen skipping along and leading us to the polls). Peter Jennings cut her off before she could elaborate so we will never know exactly what she meant. But the Moral Vote in this election did win in this election. After the smoke clears today I am sure we will be hearing more about it.

-Now ABC, if you figure it out, you could get all your ratings up. Stop trying to cram the acceptance of homosexuality down the throats of the American public. Stop calling it "a right to choose" and call it what it is "abortion." Combine that with telling the truth on your news programs and you will get all the business. Viewers will flock to your network more than anything the HOLLYWOOD LEFT has been able to do. But you won't. It's just wishful thinking on my part.

-Tom Daschle lost. He actually lost 4 years ago but this year he could not and did not get away with vote fraud. He will not be missed.

-Proposition 200 here in Arizona passed. If you are not familiar with it, it prohibits taxpayer support to non-citizens. No food stamps, welfare, etc without proof of citizenship and any government worker who grants taxpayer assistance to non citizens is subject to fines and jail time.

-Our RINO senator John McCain was all over the TV last night and was asked about proposition 200 said that he was afraid that it may lead to non citizens not being able to use public libraries or to hike and camp on federal or state lands. BULLSHIT. He is on the wrong side of this and has been all along. How he keeps getting re-elected here is beyond me. (I voted against him). Look for other States to follow suit and watch for similar propositions in other states in coming elections.

-Speaking of John McCain, the press is playing him up for the next presidency. It ain't gonna happen. Not only has he been wrong about immigration for a very long time but the also is responsible for the biggest screw ups in political history (Campaign Finance Reform).

-Hey John K - why the long face? :)

Monday, November 01, 2004

Another View. I am so proud. Posted by Hello

My kid's pumpkins. They designed and did them all on their own. Posted by Hello

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Driver should take a combination of Viagra and Ex-Lax 'cause we won't know if he's coming or going. Posted by Hello

Only in America Posted by Hello

Saturday, October 30, 2004

New Links

Check out my newest link additions. I find myself going to Hog on Ice daily.

I also can relate to this web site by its name alone, also known as Right Voices.

Check them out you will not be disappointed.

Also Timm's Shovel is still one of my favorites and as always is funny.

See it here.

John Kerry and his lawyers have stopped you from watching "Stolen Honor." Click here to see it.

Friday, October 29, 2004

John Kerry's Resume

Author Unknown. This was forwarded to me by a friend (Thanks Paul). Take a look at John F. Kerry's Resume:

John Kerry

7 mansions, including one in Washington DC, worth multi-millions. I served in Vietnam (four months).

Law Enforcement. In my career as a U.S. Senator, I've voted to cut every law enforcement, CIA, and Defense bill. I ordered the city of Boston to remove a fire hydrant in front of my mansion, there by endangering my neighbors in the event of fire. I served in Vietnam (four months).

I served in Vietnam (four months). I used three minor injuries to get an early discharge from the military and service in Vietnam (as documented by the attending doctor). I served in Vietnam (four months). I then returned to the U.S., joined Jane Fonda in protesting the war, and insulted returning Vietnam vets, claiming they committed atrocities and were baby killers. I served in Vietnam (four months). I threw my medals, ribbons, or something away in protest. Or did I? My book "Vietnam Veterans Against the War: The New Soldier", shows how I truly feel about the military. I served in Vietnam (four months).

I graduated from Yale University with a low C average. Unlike my counterpart George Bush, I have no higher education and did not get admitted to Harvard nor graduate with an M.B.A

After College and Vietnam, I ran for the U.S. Congress and have been there ever since. I have no real world experience except marrying very rich women and running their companies vicariously through them. I served in Vietnam (four months).

As a U.S. Senator I set the record for the most liberal voting record, exceeding even Ted Kennedy and Hillary Clinton. I have consistently failed to support our military and CIA by voting against their budgets, thus gutting our country's ability to defend itself. Although I voted for the Iraq War, now I am against it and refuse to admit that I voted for it. I voted for every liberal piece of legislation. I have no plan to help this country but I intend to raise taxes significantly if I am elected. I served in Vietnam (four months). My wealth so far exceeds that of my counterpart, George Bush, that he will never catch up. I make little or no charitable contributions and have never agreed to pay any voluntary excess taxes in Massachusetts, despite family wealth in excess of $ 700 million. I served in Vietnam (four months). I (we) own 28 manufacturing plants (Heinz*) (*see editors note below) outside of the U.S. in places like Asia, Mexico and Europe. We can make more profit from the cheaper cost of labor in those Countries, although I blame George Bush for sending all of the other jobs out of Country. I served in Vietnam (four months). Although I claim to be in favor of alternative energy sources, Ted Kennedy and I oppose windmills off Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard as it might spoil our view of the ocean as we cruise on our yachts. I served in Vietnam (four months).

None. However, I served in Vietnam (four months).

I practice my Catholic faith whenever cameras are present. I ride a Serotta Bike. I love to ski/snowboard. I call my Gulfstream VJet the "Flying Squirrel". I call my $850,000 42-foot Hinckley twin diesel yacht the "Scarmouche". I am fascinated by rap and hip-hop and feel it reflects our real culture. I own several "Large" SUVs including one parked at my Nantucket summer mansion, though I am against large, polluting, inefficient vehicles and blame George Bush for our energy problems. I served in Vietnam (four months).

* Editors note: Theresa Heinz may have sold all but 4% of her Heinz inheritance, therefore she may not have decision-making control of the Heinz Co today. But, what difference does that make when the Democrats blame VP Cheney for Halliburton when he severed all interest in the year 2000.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Support Flag Burning?

Who ever thought that I could support a flag burning. I can, if it is the right flag .

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

I told you so!

What did I tell you, they are so predictable.

I wonder how much of the TRUTH will find its way into the MSM?

Meanwhile, It won't be too hard to predict that the MSM will NOT cover this story.

But there is no media bias.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Whiney excuses

I'm working a second part time job again and won't have as much time to post as I'd like.

See September 1 post - I am afraid we will be hit by terrorists again before the election. Kerry will try to make political hay out of it and fail. I pray I am wrong with this prediction.

Bush will win the election easily. 52% Bush, 45% Kerry. Kerry will still hold up the end of the election with lawsuits no matter how bad he is beaten.

The main stream media will continue to be biased and take its marching orders from the Democratic National Committee.

After Bush wins the MSM will be able to report and admit that the U.S economy really is in good shape, things aren't so bad in Iraq and is in fact going quite well, the U.N. may be corrupt (NO!), the swift boat vets are telling the truth, John Kerry may have been a traitor during the Vietnam War, Theresa Heinz may really be a nut job and finally the MSM will wonder out loud "when will Hillary announce her intentions to run in 2008." And the the cycle of lies, deceit and deception will start anew.

Take a Look

Here's a very funny article.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Empty suited plastic banana

This video is hilarious. Just goes to prove - some men use their hormones to grow hair.

Monday, October 18, 2004

Response to Hugh Hewitt

"In 250 words or less, why vote for Bush and what's wrong with Kerry?"

First, let me lay the groundwork on what I see is going on in the world. There is a battle going on in this world – Good vs. Evil. Centuries ago Satan corrupted Christianity leading to the Christian Crusades; today Satan is corrupting the Muslim faith through Islamofascits and terrorism.

Bush and his team have done a good job on the war on terror and I want them to continue.

The second reason I’m voting for Bush is because he is against abortion. John Kerry says he is against abortion but every time he has had a chance to vote against abortion he voted for abortion and every time he had a chance to vote for abortion he did so. Don’t listen to what Kerry says; check his voting record. I don’t understand how any Catholic can vote for Kerry.

Not only am I voting for Bush but I also am voting against Kerry. I despise the man.

Kerry was a puppet used by the Communists during the Vietnam War to weaken our resolve. They succeeded and the Communists murdered millions of Southeast Asians after we pulled out. How any military person can vote for this traitor is beyond my comprehension.

I am not a 100% backer of Bush – read my September 24 post “Open letter to President Bush” but I will be voting for him.

Best reason yet to vote Republican

Something we've known for a long time.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Swift Boat Vets and the Media.

Have two new ads here.

See all their ads here.

Meanwhile, ABC joins CBS and NBC in the underhanded department.

Those in the know vote the right way !

Those who work with our Commander-In-Chief will vote this way .

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Taxes and the Presidential debate

I could not watch the third presidential debate, I’ve had enough. Let’s vote already!

I tried to watch but I just can no longer stomach watching John Kerry. Every time he started speaking, my stomach would clench and I had to flip the channel. I tried flipping back when I guessed George W. was talking but I could not watch him either. Watching those two speak on how they are going to spend my tax dollars just tied me in knots. A book I’ve been reading sounded much more interesting so I turned off the TV and I found my book.

If you have never read this great document, take the time now and read If you’ve read it before, read it again!

Tell me where in the Constitution does the President have the authority to spend money? Where does it give authority to anyone in government to take money from one group of people and give it to another?

The government does have the authority to tax me for national defense and to protect my nations borders. I don’t see anywhere in there the authority to tax me so that kids can have a government program for an after school program because both parents are working and can’t pick them up right after school.

And both parents are working not because the father doesn’t make enough money to support his family but because he is taxed at such a high rate that the mother has to work and provide an income just to supplement his tax obligation.

Did you know that you pay more than half you income in taxes? Your taxes have gone down under George W. Bush? Well social security tax is up, Medicare and Medicaid taxes are up. I bet you did not even know that you are only paying half of those taxes, your employer has to pay the other half. Then your employer passes this increased cost on to whoever buys its products and so we have a hidden tax. Not to mention property taxes are up, gasoline taxes are up, car registration (read tax) costs are up and I could go on and on but I’ve made my point.

The way I figure it, since more than half of what I make goes to fund one form of government or another (national, state and local) I am a slave to government. Article XIII of the Constitution prohibits slavery. “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.” Since I’ve committed no crime, I have no obligation to be enslaved and therefore I should elect not to pay any more taxes to gain my freedom. Yeah right.

So when I see a couple of candidates arguing about how to best spend taxes I’m not interested. They don’t have the authority to spend one dime of tax dollars, that’s Congress’ job. I’m already spending too much on taxes period. I cringe when I hear candidates talking about his favorite government program to fix this or that problem. Neither one of these candidate’s are on the same wavelength with me (and most conservatives) when it comes to the governments role in taxation and how that money should be spent. That’s why a good book sounded so much better than anything those two candidates had to say last night.

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Prez debate #2

The second debate was one of the best I’ve ever witnessed. Both candidates were fired up and you could tell they were speaking from the heart most of the time.

I think the reason it was so good is that the moderator did not ask the questions though he did get to screen the questions and pick which ones should be asked. Now Charlie Gibson is no friend of the conservatives but he did pick some interesting questions.

The only image of Charlie Gibson that I have from this debate was the image of his glasses slid down, hanging on the end of his nose and his looking over the top of his glasses. God, I’m sick of this “look.” You know there was some image-maker hired and his advise to Charlie G. was this ridiculous, condescending, I’m smarter than you “look” that came across as plain staged.

That’s one of my pet peeves with Liberals is their condescending attitude toward us lesser- thans. I suppose that’s why his wearing his glasses this way pisses me off. To me, all I saw was a dopey liberal trying to come across as intelligent. There are lot words to describe you Charles Gibson but intelligent is not one of them.

I wish I was in stands and got to ask a question. Of course the “intelligent” moderator would screen anything that I wanted to ask JFK out. Especially since Charlie Gibson works for ABC and they were caught giving commands to hold each candidate to a different standard. See complete story here .

They actually think that we don’t realize that Conservatives and Liberals are held to different standards. All three major networks have been now caught in one form or another of “slanted” coverage on this presidential campaign (just as I had predicted on my September 1, 2004 post). George Bush’s background is so thoroughly checked that the fact that he missed a few days, thirty years ago, in the Guard is told as if it is newsworthy. But John Kerry’s last 20 years of sloth as Senator go unmentioned. John Kerry’s un-American actions during the Vietnam War go uncovered by the MSM but if a high-school drop out turned actor turned diplomat from Hollywood calls George W. any name it’s everywhere and is actually treated as something we lesser-thans should consider.

Did you know John Kerry wrote a book? You can’t buy if you wanted to. The Kerry-Heinz’s have bought every available copy. The book is nothing but Anti-American Tripe. If you can stomach it you can read it here. Have you heard it even mentioned in the Main Stream Media?

The Swift Boat Vets got some exposure from the NEW MEDIA but if mentioned in the MSM all you heard was contempt. The MSM perpetuated the lie that their book is full of misinformation and yet, to this date, not one thing the Swift Boat Vet’s have proclaimed has been proven to be false. All the Swift Boat Vets did was tell the truth, something the MSM won’t acknowledge if it does not meet their agenda.

Anyways, I digress. I was talking about my question to JFK if given the chance. I would ask him “All the controversy from the Swift Boat Vets could be eliminated by you if you would disclose all you military records by signing a Form 180. Please don’t try to lie to us and tell us that all your military records have been released, you aren’t talking to Charlie Rose, Dan Rather or Larry King. All your records have not been released to the public, what are you trying to hide and why haven’t you signed the Form 180?”

Other questions I’d like to ask. “Why haven’t your wife’s tax records been released to the public?” Or “How did it feel when the U.S. pulled out of Vietnam at the urging of you and other war protesters and MILLIONS of innocent people in Southeast Asia were slaughtered at the hands of the communists after we left. How do you sleep at night?”

JFK has been given a pass by the Main Stream Media. Their indifference to being indifferent and just reporting the facts has led to the beginning of their end. Informed, smart, intelligent (and good looking) people now use the Internet and talk radio for their information.

Now of course I could change all of this even more if just given the chance to form a conservative cable channel with nothing but conservative views, opinions and outlook. It would be a blockbuster only because it fills a void on our television airwaves that needs to be filled very badly.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Swift Boat Ads

The swift boat ads that I have linked on my site change everytime a new ad comes out. They may not now be relevent to what I was saying at the time that I linked to them.
Well chalk it up to me being a newbie. The quickest and easiest way to clean this up is to direct you here.
You'll find all the swift boat vet ads along with some other interesting stuff.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

My Take

I watched much of the V.P. debate last night. It reminded me of a time that I sat and watched my cat play with a mouse it had caught. My cat would bat the little fuzz ball back and forth, hitting just hard enough to keep it alive so he could play with it some more once the mouse came to.

Cheney batted Edwards around just like my cat did to that mouse. He bitch slapped him around just hard enough to keep Edwards political life alive. It'll take a couple of days before John Edwards can tell his belt buckle from his shoe laces though.

Any pundit on T.V who didn't see the debate in the same light is either pulling so hard for John Kerry or is pushing so hard against George W. Bush that their vision is clouded.


My son gave me Doom3 the day it came out. I've been playing it as much as time will allow. I did not bother to invest in another video card, the one I have works just fine. There are some things I'm sure would look better but not $500 better.
Yes the game is O.K. It is fun to play in the dark with the lights out. Monsters jumping out of the dark corners gets old. I'd say I'm half way through so I won't say any more until I finish.
It did get me thinking about the old Doom games, now those were fun. I remembered playing a GL-Doom version that never was finished. I looked around on the internet and found a new GL-Doom version called ZDoomGL. It appears most of the bugs are worked out, it rarely hangs on my machine. More importantly it adds to the Doom games in ways I can't explain. You are playing those great games in real 3-D. It sure has been a ball replaying Doom2 over again. I remembered many of the secret areas and have found some new ones. I highly recomend getting this mod for the old Doom games. It also works on Hexen, I haven't had much of a chance to play this as of yet. Go here for the patch and say goodbye to your weekend.
Yes, it is better than Doom3.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Equal Time

I've been too hard on John Kerry. Click here to hear his newest campaign ad.

Thursday, September 30, 2004

Take Cover!

I was driving home from work this afternoon, listening to Michael Savage (during commericals I switch over to Hugh Hewitt). A caller makes a good point about the Democrats resembling the Japanese at the end of World War Two in Okinawa. The Japanese could sense the end was near so they sent out planes to attack Hara-Keri (Kerry), one last (and futile) attempt to turn the tide of war in their favor.

The Democrats seem to be doing the same during this election campaign. First it Richard Clarke delivering his dive bomb, then a whole slew of Lefty's came out with their anti-Bush books and then it Ted Kennedy attacking. Jimmy Carter made an attempt but he couldn't get his plane off the ground. Then it was CBS and Dan Rather with the forged documents. They survived their first attempt so they came back in a new plane and are trying again (what have they left to lose). See here and here and here and finally here.

Even though NBC can see the CBS plane up in smoke they send out their pilots to deliver this crap.

Take Cover, I'm sure more planes are on the way.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

You could've made $

If you'd taken my picks posted on Sunday morning you could've made money. Perhaps I'll start one of those pick lines, you know the kind, you pay to get my betting tips for the week.

I'm not much of a gambler myself, I do bet on on sporting events, especially the NFL and some college football. I may bet $50 to $100 a week during the NFL season, that's all I can afford to lose.

I never understood this whole industry catering to "gambling addiction." I had an acquaintance who went away for ten days for "the cure" of his gambling addiction. It cost him a bunch of money. There were many others there who also paid a lot of money for this "cure."

Now let's say there really is such a thing as an addiction to gambling. Now let's also say that there is someone who is "addicted" but they win more often than they lose while gambling. Do they still have an addiction? Well, the "addicted gambler" who's winning is not going for the "cure", it's only the ones who've lost money who go for the "cure." Isn't it a better term to call it a "losers addiction" rather than a "gambling addiction?"

Well that's one man's opinion.

I have a problem with this whole "addiction thing" anyway. It seems a lot of people in this society are "addicted" to one thing or another. We now have addictions for food, attention, gambling and even SEX! Anything considered a vice or anything that feels good has the potential to be addictive in what has become a society of weaklings. Think you are not a weakling? Pick a day this week and don't drink coffee, no sugar, no alcohol, no tobacco or whatever you've been meaning to quit. Do it for one day. Try it and then ask yourself are you addicted or just weak?

Tommy Lasorda said it best, "I took a pack of cigarettes from my pocket, stared at it and said, “Who’s stronger, you or me?” The answer was me. I stopped smoking. Then I took a vodka martini and said to it, “Who’s stronger, you or me?” Again the answer was me. I quit drinking. Then I went on a diet. I looked at a big plate of linguine with clam sauce and said, “Who’s stronger, you or me?” And a little clam looked up at me and answered, “I am.” I can’t beat linguine.

It's all up to you.

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Enough is Enough !

CBS has carried this charade out long enough. If you are as fed up as I am with CBS and Dan Rather, give 'em a piece of your mind. Here is a list of CBS station managers with their phone numbers and email addresses - here. Thanks to for that. You can also find a list of advertisers to 60 Minutes, 60 Minutes II and The Evening News here and a list of Viacom shareholders here.

Here is an easy way to write over 200 emails to CBS stations - here.

Let 'em know how you feel.

What a great Day !

Nothing special going on, I just woke up feeling GOOD! Yeah!

I've been thinking about what I want this site is to become. I got myself all tangled up in thoughts. I think this site is just going to be what it is, what I'm thinking at the time that I have the time and energy to put thoughts into words.

I have been planning a web site with this name (Boycott the Left) for some time. I simply do not have the time or the knowledge to make what I wanted. This Blogging thing made sense after I discovered an easy way (blogspot does make it very easy) to get something on the internet. I've been doing this for over a month now. I came across a web site (with a very similar name) today. It's funny, this site Boycott Liberalism is everything I had in mind when I came up for the name for my site. Check it out, he does a much better job than I could ever do (for now). So another great idea stolen ! :)

Well, for now this site is only going to be a Blog. I hope it entertains and I hope it's messages speak to you. I think I'll stay away from the current news as it seems all those Right Wing Talk Radio hosts are stealing my ideas and thoughts and the blogosphere is full of such places already.

Speaking of great sites, I have a new site that I find myself checking daily. Timm is one of the funniest guys around and besides anyone who likes football and Ann Coulter is all right in my book. Add this site to your favorites.

I've ordered a 3 foot Italian grinder and bucket of Italian Lemon Ice for the games today. My boys and I will be watching football all day. I plan to achieve very little today other than making some $ on the games. My best picks, the Eagles will handle Detroit easily, more than 4 1/2 points. Minnesota and Chicago will be a high scoring game, Minnesota's Defense stinks and Chicago's starting secondary is out with injuries. While Chicago is much better than people think, they will eventually lose this high scoring track meet 42-32, take the over ( 44.5 points at the time of this writing).

Did I ever tell you my two favorite football teams are the Detroit Lions and whoever is playing the Dallas Cowboys. Not many people admit to being a Detroit Lions fan. They are still a year a way from making the playoffs, they may make it this year but will definitely be there next year. Of course, I go back to the days of Milt Plum, Alex Karras and Joe Schmidt, now I'm showing my age again.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Open letter to President Bush

Dear President Bush:

You’ve probably noticed that I have not sent you or the Republican party any money since you were elected. My reason is simple, you no longer represent what I believe. You and your willing accomplices in Congress have been spending tax payer money like a bunch of drunken Democrats. I know there is a war going on and you and the fine U.S. soldiers are doing a very good job, but that does not give you an excuse to spend money excessively in all other areas of the federal government. You came to Washington with the hopes of healing the political riffs there. You O.K’d the spending of money to appease the left. Well it did not work, they turned on you anyway, they always do, just ask your father. So Mr. President if you want my support here are some things I want you to consider:

1.) Stop spending so Damn much money! This country will get along just fine without all of this government bling-bling. Spend as much as you need on the military and for disaster relieve. Everything else can go in the toilet, it’s not the national governments place to spend money on anything different.
2.) Want to reform education? Stop spending federal money on it! You got Teddy Kennedy to write the Education reform spending package, gave it your O.K. and guess what? Teddy Kennedy is screaming to the press that you did not do enough for Education during your campaign for re-election (of course no one in the press took the time to mention his hand in the latest Education bill). Break up the Teacher’s Union, stop tenure for college professors, allow parent’s choice when it comes to education, allow all political voices to be heard on college campuses, and don’t allow drivers licenses until children get a high school diploma (talk about incentive).
3.) Term Limits. We need Term Limits for all members of the Federal Government specifically the House, the Senate and all Federally appointed Judges. You would have been able to get more done if there were fewer career politicians (ex. Tom Daschle) standing in your way. Also, the will of the people would no longer be thwarted by the rulings of liberal Federal (lifetime appointed) Judges.
4.) Bring back the Contract with America and GET FINISHED WHAT WASN’T DONE! If you’ve forgotten, here it is: FIRST, require all laws that apply to the rest of the country also apply equally to the Congress; SECOND, select a major, independent auditing firm to conduct a comprehensive audit of Congress for waste, fraud or abuse; THIRD, cut the number of House committees, and cut committee staff by one-third; FOURTH, limit the terms of all committee chairs; FIFTH, ban the casting of proxy votes in committee; SIXTH, require committee meetings to be open to the public; SEVENTH, require a three-fifths majority vote to pass a tax increase; EIGHTH, guarantee an honest accounting of our Federal Budget by implementing zero base-line budgeting.
5.) Stop pussy-footing around in Iraq. Your approval ratings for Iraq aren’t down because we don’t believe in why we are there, it’s because you’re fighting the war like a tofu-farting sissy. If they are killing our boys while hunkered down in “sacred holy sites” blow ‘em to Hell and back. Those “holy sites” stopped being holy once they were being used to kill our brave troops.
6.) The next time you have a press conference talk to the people who care and understand what you are talking about. Stop answering questions from “reporters” from the New York Times or Los Angles Times or ABC, CBS, NBC,and CNN. Invite Talk radio hosts and bloggers. More people read and listen to these media than do those other “old Media” sources.
7.) Get the hell out of the U.N. It is corrupt, no longer serves its purpose and it serves no one but itself. Get the U.S. out the the U.N.
8.) Keep standing up for the rights of the unborn. You’ve done O.K. on this front so far. I wish you would have fought harder to get conservative judges appointed though. Grow some testicles and start fighting hard for the rights of the unborn. Yes, the Main Stream Media will beat you up over this, but their influence is a lot less than you think or fear and they are going to beat you up no matter what you do. Which leads me to my next point-
9.) Stop trying to get the left and the Main Stream Media to like you. You’ve shown you can do it on the war in Iraq, now do it in all things you hold dear, such as stopping abortion.
10.) Close the Borders! Deport all illegal immigrants now. Empty Federal prisons of all illegal immigrants and send them back to where they came (put a microchip in their arse first, in case they try to come back). Stop pandering to ILLEGALS!!! They are not our (taxpayer) problem.
11.) Disallow all Federal money to ILLEGAL immigrants. You want to lower hospital costs, stop expecting hospitals to pay for the medical care of illegal immigrants (the cost is just passed on to all others anyway), no welfare, Medicare, or any Federal Tax Payer money should be spent on those who are here illegally.
12.) Tort Reform. This country’s government was supposed to be of the people, by the people and for the people. Instead it has become the government of the lawyers, by the lawyers and for the lawyers. (That line is so good I should have it copyrighted) .
13.) Allow God back into Government. You stood by while those ACLU heathens took away our very foundation to all of our laws, the Ten Commandments, from the Alabama Supreme Court rotunda and you watched as a good and decent man of God, Judge Roy Moore, was suspended. Refer to #8, i.e. grow some testicles.
14.) Get rid of the IRS. Eliminate it. Replace the income with a national sales tax. 10% is good enough for the Church, it should be good enough for the federal government. If it can’t live on it too bad, eliminate most of it and it won’t be so costly.
15.) Eliminate Affirmative Action. It is nothing but Government Sponsored Discrimination. White people of my age have had a whole lifetime of discrimination against us. We are mad as hell about it and we are about to come out swinging and shooting if something isn’t done real soon.
16.) Stop giving taxpayer money to National Public Radio, they only tell one side of the picture, the liberal side.
17.) Give me, well all conservatives, a cable channel. Kids have several channels, Liberals have a whole lot of channels, Golfers have their own channel, Cooks have a channel, music lovers have many channels, sports have many channels, the NFL has their own channel. I could go on and on. I want a conservative channel where we don’t have to listen to a Michael Moore loving, tree hugging, vegan-farting lib screaming over the voice of the conservative. Just one channel where we could watch the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingram, Hugh Hewitt, Ben Shapario, Michelle Malkin, Sean Hannity, Michael Medved and Michael Savage. We could do shows about things we care about, family, life, God and Country. We could have bloggers getting national face time doing nothing but reading their blogs over the airwaves - which would be much better than anything on television now.

Now don't get me wrong, you have done some things right and you are good, decent, God-fearing man like myself. You've also done a very good job on the war on Terror. I'm still gonna vote for you. That other guy scares the hell out of me and he would be much worse for this great country.


Robert Dillon

Monday, September 20, 2004

I need my own talk show

Yea, that's right, I need my own Talk show. I spent a good part of morning posting my blog only to hear what I wrote on Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Michael Savage. Great Minds think alike. They'll take credit for it but I'm sure they all checked my site before they went on the air.

While I'm bragging, Reread my blog from September 1st. I predicted the "Great Lie" by the left wing media. I hope my other prediction does not come to fruition.

Oh hell, I need, we (conservatives) need our own cable channel. My God, Golf has their own channel, Kids have several channels, Homosexuals have their own channel (HGTV), Cooks have their own channel (FoodTV). I could go on and on. Conservatives need their own channel period. Send me your ideas for shows, we can make this happen.

Monday Moanin'

Damn, I'm having to retype all of this because my foot hit the plug in the powerstrip and my computer shut down. Now with a typewriter you don't have that kind of problem. (Fill in your own remark here:))

I know I am boycotting CBS, but damn it, they carry some NFL games. I had to watch some this Sunday. I don't get many Sunday's off (the joys of working in a Hospital) so NFL ticket is not an answer in my world.

Dan Rather is now trying to come off as being taken for a ride? I think he was a willing passenger shouting out directions on where he wanted to go with this ride. Dan's retirement is the only acceptable outcome. Oh, I'll take a full retraction of the story or a full confessional too, but then Dan Rather must retire. PERIOD.

I along with others have pointed out that John Kerry's slide in the polls seems to coincide with The Swift Boat Vets. See the newest ad here . (ABC is whining about this one - Hey you liberal scumbags at ABC why aren't you at ABC using your own film footage to show John Kerry lying. Why are Veterns having to use their own money to buy an ad to show John Kerry lying! If you in the media weren't so biased the truth could be told without having to buy and advertisement. All you have to do is turn the tables and ask how would they handle this story if this was about a Republican to show their bias)
However another theory has surfaced. Ask yourself do you really want a President who throws like a girl? John Kerry's falling in favor can be directly tied to his unmannly throwing out of the first pitch at a Red Sox's game in late August.

The Oil for Food U.N. fraud, my thoughts on abortion and lots of other good stuff.

My two cents

I must say all this Dan Rather, CBS, forgery fiasco, seems to me, to be very Clintonesque. Clinton perfected how to cover up a lie (he’s had a lot of practice).

First you deny the lie, it’s taken two weeks for Danny Boy to fess up and only after almost everyone agreed that he offered faked documents.

Then you cloud the issue. Clinton’s best example is how the whole impeachment turned out to be about nothing other than a blow job. (This lie is perpetuated by some to this day). CBS and Dan Rather first tried to cloud their issue with “the documents may be fake but are accurate.” They will continue with this nonsense but will add some new twists. Add in some half truths and lies to take attention away from the BIG LIE.

The next step is to call in your willing accomplices in the MSM. This came naturally for Clinton. This is the same kind of garbage Clinton got away with 12 years ago (almost all the time), the same kind of bull-feces Clinton got away with most of the time 8 years ago, the same kind crap Gore got away with 4 years ago because of their willing partners in the Main Stream Media. The MSM’s influence over the masses has been steadily declining over the years. Talk radio led the way and now the Internet leads the way with Talk radio echoing what is on the Internet and vice-a-versa. (This may be what Al Gore meant when he claimed to have invented the Internet.)
They can no longer get away with LIES.

Look for the MSM to lend some support for Dan’s Story although I doubt it will be much. The MSM is still trembling and shaking from the witnessed whip-crack delivered to Danny Boy's Lying Ass by the Blogosphere.

Next you find a fall guy. Dan Rather’s fall guy for now is Bill Burkett. Now Bill seems to be a couple of taco’s short of a full combo meal.

Deny, cloud the issue, call in your brethren for cover, and finally find a fall guy. That worked for Clinton because there was no truth detector out there other than Rush. Even as charming as Bill Clinton is and no matter how much the left adore him, I doubt if he could be elected now. There are just to many people out there in the Blogosphere looking for the truth. He could never get away with what he got away with in the past and without THE TRUTH there really isn’t much to Bill Clinton. But I digress; Dan Rather is not going to get away with this. One, He is not a politician (although he is very political) and Two, his brethren in the MSM are not going to come to his aide as much as Dan hoped and Third, the blogoshpere is on his hind-end. We have new found powers and we are mad as hell and we are not going to take it anymore.

This track works for those found to be lying, if it does not work out as well as planned and you wish to put your story to bed, just come out and apologize. Then when others come to inquire you can just respond “look we’ve already discussed this to all ends and we have apologized, we have no more to say about ____” Well that ain’t gonna work. CBS has and Dan Rather will offer their apologies today. But this will not put this story to rest. We have an admitted Liberal and Democrat offering up forged documents just prior to the election of a sitting Republican President. "I'm sorry" just is not going to cut it.

It ain't over yet, Baby!

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Dennis Miller - Temporarily Boycotted

You all know I'm a fan of Dennis Miller's show, I've even plugged his show on this website. I admire his communication skills and his views seem to be well thought out.

Now I don't always agree with him. A couple of nights ago he stated that he wasn't too happy with joining a party "that supports assault weapons." He is just uninformed and is following the jive given by the left I thought. Last night, Dennis goes into a whole monologue on "assault weapons." I couldn't stand it, CLICK, off he went.

Anyone who's arguments include the words "assault weapons" is obviously uninformed. Words mean things. They are semi-automatic weapons not "assault weapons." The law that sunsetted was bad law and totally inept.

This article says it better than I ever could. Yes, Dennis this article is from the NRA. We are not a bunch of wild eyed hicks with "assault weapons" pointed at the heads of the politicians.

This also leads me to another thought. I think it is fantastic that the Republican Party is now thought of as a "big tent." You are welcome into this tent, but don't come in here hoping to change some fundamental foundations of this great party. WE STAND FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE SECOND AMENDMENT AND WE WILL NOT CHANGE THAT, PERIOD.

You newbies are entitled to bring differing opinions but if you are going to voice them, you better know what the hell you are talking about.

So Dennis, I am sending you a copy of this post. I know you probably won't even read it but if it should get by your screener at least take a look the suggested article. But as for now, consider yourself boycotted.

Let Dennis know how you think, send an email to Dennis.

Wictory Wednesday

John Thune is our candidate to do this. He has a slight lead in the polls, but he's being vastly outspent by Daschle. If you can give $10, $25, or $100, this would be a good time to donate to Thune's campaign.

Today is Wictory Wednesday. Every Wednesday, hundreds of bloggers ask their readers to donate to an important Republican Senate campaign.

Monday, September 13, 2004

Hey Bloggers!

Enough with the typo-superscripting-fonts-word processing-typewriter-proportional spacing-mumbo jumbo !!!!!

Why don't we just get Lt Col Killian's other memo's from that time and compare them with the now infamous memos. OH WE CAN'T, THERE AREN'T ANY OTHERS TO COMPARE WITH BECAUSE LT. COL. KILLIAN COULDN'T TYPE !

Is it true that all the other memo's from him were handwritten? So we get several hundred hand written memo's and compare them with the four word-processed forgeries of typewritten memo's handed out by Dan Rather. Case closed.

Main Stream Media (MSM)

Have you noticed? The MSM has ignored the Swiftboat Vets, denied the Swiftboat Vets, denounced the Swiftboat Vets and smeared the Swiftboat Vets.

The MSM has given the Swiftvets a very cold shoulder indeed.

And yet, John Kerry is now behind in the polls (way behind) and was ahead in the polls before Unfit for Command came out. Coincidence?

Rather Obvious

The Blog world is on fire ! Dan Rather tried to get a way with a Whopper and some Supersize Lies.

Before you get all giddy about Danny Boy getting caught and getting exposed, as of this writing (9/13/04 early A.M.), Dan Rather still has his job and no one from CBS has denied anything.

Most bloggers are all looking on, waiting for the next shoe to drop from CBS. I fear you will wait a long, long time. Other "stories" are going to come along and take over this one. I know many of you out there fantasize that the other networks will start nailing CBS. Then each network will turn on each other and they will expose how the other networks are really the liberally biased ones. Network vs Network vs Network vs Network, the truth will finally come out.

Well stop it, you are fantasizing. What is going to happen is this, CBS will ignore the story, Bloggers will be smeared, other stories will come to the front, liberal bias will continue and the only way the truth will get out is through talk radio and the blog-o-sphere. You will continue to be frustrated by it all and life goes on, one blog at a time.

Wanna do something about it? Well try this or this.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Hey Hey, Ho Ho - Kerry must sign the 180

I heard Michael Savage say this a couple of weeks ago and it is stuck in my mind today, repeating itself over and over. The media is on full attack mode on George W's records during the Vietnam war. Stuff that we already saw four years ago. What's next,? a re-announcement on election's eve that W had a D.U.I. when he was younger?
No one in the media has asked John Kerry about signing a form 180 (well mostly because he's been ignoring them).

CBS and NBC both have hit pieces on George scheduled for this week and yet they still have yet to even acknowledge the Swift Boat Vets other than to dismiss them. CBS and NBC have been previously boycotted, but now I just have another reason to make them wait even longer before the will get the privilage of my viewership! I wish I had the time and strength to watch these hit pieces only so that I could share with you the advertisers of this dredge. Then we could all write them a nasty note. But I prefer the easier way and just not watch it, period.

Hey hey, Ho ho, Kerry must sign the 180.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

The News

I stopped watching Network News a long time ago. I tune in every once in while and as usually is the case, I get pissed and turn it off. I used to joke the C in ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN stood for Clinton - All 'Bout Clinton, Clinton Broadcasting Corporation, Nothin' But Clinton and Clinton News Network. While in Vegas this weekend, I flipped on the hotel room T.V. and the only news channel I could find was CNN. I was sitting there, trying to catch up on some news while waiting. We traveled with eight people, trying to do anything together is like herding Jellyfish, so you spend a lot of time waiting for the slowest member of the group.
It was a short time before I had to turn it off! I swear as God as my witness, I saw four news reports and three of them were about Bill Clinton. ENOUGH! CLICK!

The first thing I did when I got home was to get on the internet and find out what is really going on in the world instead of that strange universe on T.V. where Billy Clinton is THE Center of their universe and they seem to think that we really care. Bill Clinton has clogged arteries, who is surprised?

I came across some news that I know will not make it on the Networks and may or may not make it to Fox News. Stuff you'll only find on the internet. Such as this story about posing with a gun, or this related story, see last paragraph..

I am also going to link to a story that, years ago, would have been repeated over and over again like a big echo chamber. All the news channels would have repeated the story, all the Clinton appointed lying heads would shout out this news as if it were fact whenever debating a conservative (and the host of the show would let them get away with it even if he/she knew it not to be true). All to give the illusion that anyone who would vote for Bush is a big meanie because those kind of people booed when President Clinton was sick. The only voice we had was Rush Limbaugh and he would make a big deal of it and do it very well. He may make a big deal of it now (I don't listen to Rush as much as I used to and will probably miss today's show).
But now we have Sean Hannity, Hugh Hewitt, Laura Ingram, Michael Savage as well as some voice on FOX NEWs but more importantly we have the internet. They did not get away with this lie, but they tried. We were able to stop them before much damage was done. This is why I still have hope for this election and hope for this country. We still have a long, long way to go and the sooner I get my own television channel the sooner we can put an end to this :) Here is the story on booing.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004


Remember in the movie "Patton", when George C. Scott (Patton) is speaking in front of a group of British women? While giving thanks to all of the allies and listing them one by one, his secretary tugs on his jacket and whispers "don't forget the Russians." Patton does forget to mention the Russians (on purpose) and it leads to a lot of political problems for Patton.
That scene comes to mind when I watch the Republicans speak at their convention. I am sure it is just an over site on their part, but I want to reach up on the stage, tug on their jacket and whisper "don't forget to mention the support of our allies in this war on terror." I'm afraid this is going to lead to political problems for the U.S.

Put a fork in John Kerry, he's done. The Republicans have already succeeded in getting out their message and John Kerry will continue to get tangled up in his own two worlds.

So far in this convention I give two big thumbs up to Zell Miller's and Arnold's speeches. The other speeches were O.K. and served their purpose. But Zell and Arnold's speeches will go down as two of the best ever.

Now I am going to make a prediction. I strongly believe the Left will start a very serious rumor (lie) and the willing partners in Main Stream Media will perpetuate the lie right up to election. Their purpose? Only to cast doubt in mind's of the voters. We will once again witness the MSM bias and the underhandedness and untruthfulness of the Left.

My other prediction is very sad to even write. I fear that our country will be attacked again by the Evil terrorists before the election. I fear the worst and I honestly hope I am wrong on this one. But I feel it and fear it. God Bless us and watch over us.

I am going to miss the last night of the convention because of work and watching my son's J.V football team's first game of the season. (Go Sabino) Friday morning the family is heading to Las Vegas for some R and R. I will be missing for a few days.

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

The fastest growing Blog on the Internet!

There has been an estimated 400% increase in viewership (estimate).
Last week I had 1 viewer, this week I am up to 4. At this rate of growth, this should be the biggest blog ever! I suppose I will have to add a counter to make it "official."

One more time

I wonder how much of the Swift Boat controversy could have been avoided had the MSM (main stream media) put John Forbes Kerry under the scrutiny they would have given a Republican under similar circumstances. The Swiftee's had no other choice, they were ignored in the past and they put forth a united effort to get their message out. Just a thought. See the latest here

Yes, Foreign Leaders do prefer Mr. Kerry

It's no wonder why Foreign Leaders would prefer "Johnny Boy" F'ing Kerry. Look here

Yes, he is considered a great man in some circles.

Some of the best video on this revered leader can be found here -

Not worthy of house breaking your puppy

I, long ago, stopped reading "USA Today." It had morphed into just another Communist rag, more concerned about pushing it's ideology than reporting on the the days events.
Michael Moore was sent by this socialist sackcloth of a newspaper to cover the Republican National Convention. Well dear readers here is another reason to stop buying their lackwitted, neohippie garbage excuse of a newspaper.
Ann Coulter was sent by USA Today to cover the Democratic National Convention, BUT THEY NEVER PRINTED IT ! The editors claimed "They didn't get her story." Well you stupid hippie bas#$%d of course you don't get it, her story is witty, smart and insightful, something your fishwrap long ago stop being. Here's Ann's story if you missed it -

Michael Moore still doesn't get it

Michael Moore, please read the following sentence. (Dear Reader, please read the following sentence out loud, in your best Michael Moore voice).
I am wee Todd did.
"I don't get it", says Michael Moore.
Well then Michael try reading this line aloud. (again reader in your best socialist, American hating voice.)
I am sofa king wee Todd did.
"I still don't get it', states the disingenuous film maker.
My point exactly!

Monday, August 30, 2004

Michael Moore salutes his followers

I am a Loser ! Posted by Hello

Here is the truth about Michael Moore's "crockumentory" film -

This cat says it better than most -

Even Democrats can't stand this guy -

Finally, a movie I can't wait to see -

Let's get more of this Rust off!

Some Random thoughts-

I am tired of the terrorists hiding behind "holy sites" armed with rocket launchers and killing our brave troops. I offer a solution on how to get rid these creeps. It's time to call in Hillary Clinton, Janet Reno and the ATF. Just tell 'em these Muslim terrorists really are evil Christians holed up some where in Texas and let them have at it. They won't have any trouble destroying these holy sites and all those hiding there.

I am looking on my Milk carton for a picture of Sandy Berger. He apparently is missing. The media stopped covering the Clinton National Security Adviser and Kerry Campaign adviser after he was found hiding documents in his socks and stuffing national security documents down his pants. Where is he?

Better yet, I think we need an Amber alert for Sandy Berger. He has disappeared and has been missing for several weeks. Be on the lookout for a fat, middle aged white male with paper documents stuffed in his socks and underwear. If found, he can be identified by Bill Clinton getting a good laugh from him and John Kerry running away from him as fast as possible. He will also appear invisible if put in front of Katie Couric, Peter Jennings or Dan Rather.

Why aren't more people watching the Dennis Miller show on CNBC? His ratings have been bad, of course he is up against Hannity and Colmes in our market. Dennis is witty as ever. His show is usually very good, I rarely miss it. Now I don't always agree with him but he is cleaver,witty,smart and lets the opposing view speak. What I really enjoy is that is does not let the lefties get away with their lies and half truths. Once I get my own cable channel, he will be offered a show if this one doesn't pan out.

Monday Moanin'

The Olympics are finally over. Dear NBC - I loved the Track and Field coverage. The diving portion was over exposed and tedious and while you are at it get rid of that squeaking little gerbil that reported on the dives. Where was the weight lifting, the shooting competition ( what's wrong are you afraid of those big bad guns?) and not to mention many other competitions that did not get any or very little coverage? Too much coverage of Volleyball, Swimming, Beach Volleyball and Diving. Well that's one man's opinion.
Speaking of Track and Field, what has happened to Carol Lewis? Let me give you some advise honey - Put down the fork and push yourself away from the table. If you get much bigger the next new Track event will be the fastest time for running around your perimeter. While I'm passing out digs - Bobby Costas, you colored your hair, we all noticed it !

I think Michael Savage had it right when he proclaimed that this election will be decided by the Swift Boat Vets for the Truth and that peoples future in broadcasting will depend on how they handle covering this event. Who's up - Sean Hannity, Michael Savage , Rush Limbaugh, and Hugh Hewitt Who's going down - The alphabet networks ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN as well as those two phony ( Democratic and Liberal ) "Political analysts" for FOXNEWS. Hey Johnny Boy, stop hiding behind the skirts of the MSM and sign form SF-180. Sean Hannity is the only person I've seen on TV who has asked the Kerry Apologists for Kerry to sign the SF-180 and get all the records released. If the roles were reversed all the talking heads would be shouting and repeating for JFK's signing of the SF-180 ( George Bush incidentally did sign the SF-180 when his military records were called into question ). What are you hiding Johnny Boy?

A horse walks into a bar and the bartender asks "Why the Long Face?" A three legged dog walks into a bar and announces "I'm looking for the man who shot my paw!" A termite walks into a bar and asks "Is the bar-tender here?" A giraffe walks into a bar and announces "The High Balls are on me!" John Kerry walks into a bar and the bartender asks "Why the long face?"

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Christmas will never be the same

I got a chuckle out of this poem

Let me preface this by saying that John McCain's Vietnam story tells a lot about the man. I am proud of the way he handled himself during a very difficult time. We all are. I must also say that John McCain is my representative in the Senate. Having said that, I have over the years gotten more and more tired of his antics. He is the founding father of the RINO ( Republican in Name Only ) Party. He has made a career of getting in front of television cameras ( and on the radio airwaves ) by disagreeing with Republicans or by agreeing with Democrats. It sickens me when I see him playing these antics and trying to come off as THE MAN OF REASON OF THE MIDDLE GROUND.
God I wish he would just shut the hell up some times.
So I found it very interesting and ironically funny when he immediately criticized the ad. He is up to is old tricks again I thought and predictably the main stream media picked up his quote and used it in telling "the real story" of the Swift Boat Vets and their ad.
But let's not forget, it was Senator McCain's "campaign finance reform" legislation that led to the creation of 527's. The irony is that the Kerry Camp uses a 527 sponsored ad to dismiss the Swift boat vets and they use John McCain's criticism of the Swift Boat Vets ad in their ad. Talk about IRONY.
Wake up John, the main stream media has been using you all these years the same way the Kerry camp has been using you during this campaign. I hope that John Kerry at least gives you a kiss when he's done with you.

SOME RANDOM THOUGHTS (very Larry King-ish)
I think the end is near for John Kerry witnessed by the fact that the faces of the past have rejoined the airwaves. The public suspects Mr. Kerry is lying about his Vietnam record when he sends out the likes of James Carville, Sydney Blumenthal, Lanny Davis and Mr. Podesta to defend this Vietnam record. Too many Clinton memories of lying attached to those ugly mugs.

Speaking of James Carville, the next time he is on TV will someone ask him how can he sleep at night? My God this man has made a career of defending the indefensible.

Fox News is biased to the Right? You've got to be kidding me. They at least offer the right side of news. But they also offer the left side ( way too much for me ). I want to start a news organization that only gives the right side. In fact a want a whole cable channel that is nothing but conservative!!! It will succeed. Can you imagine shows with Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Hugh Hewitt, and Laura Ingram. Oh that's right, they all have successful talk radio programs. They brought back AM radio. Ofcourse the other outlet of the right (and taking over) are the right leaning bloggers, Matt Drudge , Michelle Malkin, and Ben Shapiro .
It would be great show if all the bloggers out there did nothing but read parts of their blogs over the television airwaves.
Ofcourse I can't forget the sharp tongue of Ann Coulter What a great show she could make.
How about a TV show by Scott Ott , now that would be funny.
I also want a show that just makes fun of the main stream media. I would take an event of the day and tell what actually happened then show how the Main Stream media actually "reported" it. Now that would be GOOD TV. This is the Reality TV Show we want to see !
Got an idea for a conservative show - send it to me!

How many times has this happened to you. You're listening to Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh or Michael Savage and they are giving an account of the day's happenings and they give us an idea on how the Main Stream media will probably report it. Then your local station breaks for the newsfeed from the ABC, NBC, CBS or CNN ( and even FOX NEWS at times) and they report the story just as your favorite Talk show host said they would. It used to make my blood boil now mostly I just laugh.

Eventually and over time this site will focus on Boycotting the goods and services of the Left. I know I will never buy another Bruce Springstein CD again! I hope to lead others to stop spending their hard earned money on these Terror-enabling Moore-licking ignoramuses (thanks to for that one).

If we band together we can diminsh the influence these Sister-breeding Chomskyites, these Big-government donkeyspawn, these Pustulant Liberals and these Socialist boobs have over our society and children.

If you have an example of the wacky left and you feel they should be boycotted please send it to me.